The Prophetic Life and the Springs of God (SOS)


A transcript of Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM) from a teaching by Reverend Kayode Oyegoke in the School of the Spirit (SOS) on Thursday, 22nd February, 2024.


“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. [48] I am that bread of life. [49] Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. [50] This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. [51] I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” (John 6:47-51)


The Flesh of Jesus is the Living Bread

Jesus seeks to give man His bread as against what the world offers. Jesus has so much more to give than what the world offers as bread. The world offers life; it is a giver of bread. The worldly bread is called the bread of sorrows (Psa. 127:2) but the bread of the Lord is called the living bread (Luke 6:51)


The living bread is Jesus’ flesh that He would give for the life of the world. To eat the bread that Jesus offers is the gift of the spiritual. Bread means flesh. One cannot eat into the living bread with a religious mind. The understanding many have of this bread is that it is given to someone who just got born again or it is to deal with sin (most especially works of the flesh). However, this understanding is partial. 


What they that are in the world and are of the world are looking for is who He is – it is His flesh. The flesh of Jesus is enough and it is higher than the price and validity of the offer of life that men would do anything to get. Jesus is the one people should hunger for, as He is the one that can satisfy the hunger of men. However, many do not know that they are hungry. Hence, they do not seek Him. Jesus has what the world really needs but men are ignorant of this. 


What the world has been deceived to look for is vain and empty. When men think of bread, they think of labour. For example, a breadwinner in the natural is a provider of food in the home, but a man is not just to provide physical bread, as there are other breads that should be provided in a home. The greatest bread a parent should look for is the one that makes the family survive spiritually. A woman desires a well satisfying life for her children and herself in the natural, but what can satisfy that is the actual bread. It is not the physical bread that is being eaten everyday. The actual bread is a future, it is a life. 


The natural man is wired to see prospects and goes for it, even though it might not yet be visible to him. Some people’s prospects are evident but some are not. Many people seek for bread that can take care of their natural future, hence, they labour for it. It is this attitude that makes men remain carnal. God does not want us to eat into some kind of bread because they are offerings against God. It would take spiritual stature to be free from the impact of some worldly breads. It is not all seemingly good things in the world that are good, as some are evil.


How Should Believers See and Use the Things of this World?

“Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; [26] Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.” (Heb. 11:25-26). Parents should not send their children to school for pride's sake. There are some better schools that teach well and offer good learning but may not have the fame or popularity of some others. Some parents would rather patronise schools with recognition than those who have a better curriculum because of pride. 


The Lord may allow believers to work in some big secular organisations as long as He knows that such a soul is immune to the worldly design in such establishments, and will not be bloated. Believers can go anywhere as long as they are led by the Spirit. If the Lord leads one to work in such organisations, then there would be grace. Believers must not take jobs or admissions into schools that would define them and spoil their sanctity. Believers should have great reverence for their sanctification and election; they should be bold to take only things that would not hinder their election.


Believers must also grow into a stature that can use the things of the world in all its stratas and not abuse it (1 Cor. 7:31). Believers can live well naturally but must not take glory in such life. Believers must know how to abound and possess the capacity to hate the things of the world, and not have any attachments to it. 


“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy…” (1 Tim. 6:17). We can appreciate natural things given to us but we must not worship them. We are spirits, hence, we must know how to abase and abound (Philipp. 4:12). We must grow in stature to be higher than any worldly good and possess the heart that Paul had.


We should not worship the things of the world. God has given us the ability to be raised above being defined by worldly things. The life that the Gentiles slave for should not be laboured for by believers. The status quo is being changed such that it is those who do not labour for worldly things that would have it. Labour in this context is not natural work but soul exertion. Two people can be doing the same work but have different attitudes: one can be punctual and diligent with his work but is not labouring. This is because such a person has a different hope, but someone else may be doing that same job as if his life depends on it. This is because such a person sees the work as life. 


We should be strong in faith; we should not just do confessions without having faith. We would get to the point where the desire of our heart is a priestly life. While working, one can learn the attitude of faith which is by giving. We can give so much as one who is not dependent on salary because such is looking for something better. Such would never depreciate by giving but would increase instead. The life of faith which we would profess like some have done is a testimony that the word works. 


The substance God is depositing in us are things that can produce the new heavens. The things being committed to us by God are too real. God has sorted out our destinies; there is no failure in our lives. By reason of the words we are hearing, we have good success. The definition of success is beyond worldly definitions. 


We should grow above physical manifestations because the proof of the word is not the physical changes. When God wants to truly bless us, He would take us through a life training that would expire the structure that Satan has formed in us and build a new foundation that He can put new things on. When God is adding to us naturally, it is because there is already an inner structure that can receive such things (Matt 6:33). As we change on the inside, the natural would be added to us. Thus, we must seek inner change.


It is high time to be boastful about our order in the spirit. Satan has been boasting but he is expiring. After some time, the dragon would not be popular again. In fact, he is losing popularity and many people are about to leave him. Many are leaving him and angels are already making provisions for it.



“Many are coming: they would not just get born again, they would come to worship God. Many are coming.”


Very soon, there is a way this gospel would be adorned that we would be confident to evangelise people to come. People would come and lose the life of the world to get treasures better than what they have lost. Before people get born again, they would have seen the sufferings of Christ, and they would be willing. Believers would be willing to die to flesh and everything the world stands for; they would be very expectant of their change, desiring the spoiling of their goods. Men would begin to throw flesh into fire; believers would arise who would see the glories of this world and hate it because the original glory would show forth.


The Spiritual Blessings for Presenting the Church Holy and Without Blame Before God


There is living water and living bread (John 4:10; John 6:51). Jesus has the living water that He wants to give and He also has the living bread. The living bread and living water are His flesh and drink respectively, which He would give. When Jesus was pierced on the cross, both water and blood gushed out (John 19:34). This means Jesus has both water and blood. 


“That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, [27] That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” (Eph. 5:26-27). Cleansing and sanctification prepares one for presenting. Presenting in itself is not with the same water which was used to cleanse, rather, a higher water is needed to present a glorious church. This is the activity of everlasting life. Being holy and without blemish is higher than being sanctified and cleansed. 


The glorious water makes a glorious church. 


There is the cleansing and sanctification of the Church which is by the washing of the water. This would give Jesus the right of way to present the Church to Himself a glorious church without spot and wrinkle.


What would make the Church qualified for presentation is spiritual blessings in heavenly places (Eph. 1:3); that is, giving the Church heavens to make it holy. Spiritual blessings need to be given to present the Church holy and without blame before Him in love (Eph. 1:4)


To be without blemish is to be made a lamb and this requires so much blessing. A lamb without spot or wrinkle is a glorious church. A church that has been caught up to glory has experienced the transaction of the Spirit of glory. So the blessings for making it holy and without blemish are beyond knowledge. Although blessings have been taught as knowledge/precepts, it is much more than that. Blessings are spirit!


“The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: [25] The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee…” (Num. 6:24-25). To be gracious to the Church is to deal with her in terms of the provision of spirit. Grace is spirit and spirit is blessing. When God is emitting spirit, He is blessing with grace. Both knowledge and grace must come from God’s face. When one gets knowledge, such must still wait for grace.


“The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” (Num. 6:26). Peace is a spiritual endowment in the spirit, it is given to move the Church to a place in the realm of the spirit. Peace gives the Church the heart of settling in the provision that God has given to her. The Church becomes immoveable from righteousness when God has given her the peace of righteousness. Such has made righteousness her grove and abides in righteousness. An abider is a one that is full of peace – the peace of God, the grace of God. 


“Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them…” (Psa. 119:165). Those who love the law are people who cannot depart from the law. Such have come into making covenant with the law. Everything about God’s stature and manifestations would not get such offended because he has God's law. To love the law of God is not by precepts only but much more by spirit. 


“But his delight is in the law of the Lord ; and in his law doth he meditate day and night…” (Psa. 1:2). This speaks of an ability to meditate on God’s ways, not just precepts. This is a man that deals in ways and makes transactions in the spirit. Such a person would think the way God thinks and reason the way He reasons. The wisdom of the way would keep multiplying inside such a person and he would breaththrough in thoughts so that the mind and the way becomes one. It is only at this point that it can be said that the way of God has been engraved in the soul. A keeper of God's way is a person who easily attains peace and nothing shall offend him.


Journeying by the Prophetic Springs


“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:14). Well and water define the journey of prophets; it describes the prophetic springs. The well Jesus found the woman was the well of a prophet called Jacob. Water dictated Abraham’s coordinates; he kept springing from one well to another. We find prophets by the well. Prophets are men who by their life sojourn look for water and when they get the water, they follow the water.


The person talking to the woman by the well side was the Prophet. The arrangement was a prophetic work. Jesus locating the woman was written in the book; it was one of the things God placed in the book in the journey of Jesus to Samaria. The woman, after encountering Jesus, must have spoken with a lot of confidence that no one could ignore her. When you meet the true Prophet sent by God, you have a genuine reaction that people around you can tell that you have had an encounter. When you meet the Son who is the true Prophet, you have a very genuine encounter because you have met the carrier of the well. 


The lady did not know Jesus very well, but as Jesus wanted to drink water, He had water coming out of Him. Jesus gave her the water coming out of Him and thereby, quenched her thirst. From the flow of the water, Jesus fetched something which was not exactly the water, but the wisdom of the water to produce another water. Jesus was creative; He had the spirit without measure, so He could create solutions to men without giving them the very original material He is drinking from. Prophets are water reservoirs. 


We have been fought with at different wells because there is war when we discover water. There is warfare at every water break but God has empowered us not to stop digging. We have dug everlasting wells; we are about to dig eternal wells and we will tarry there. There are still more wells to dig and God is giving us an assignment to dig more wells. 


We need water to get water. We need some Eternal Life wisdom to dig everlasting depth. Nobody can argue about what everlasting life is because enough water has been given, and we are drinking along everlasting waters. 


The Birthing of Men Through the Prophetic Springs in Zion


“His foundation is in the holy mountains. [2] The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. [3] Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah. [4] I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there. [5] And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall establish her. [6] The LORD shall count, when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there. Selah.  [7] As well the singers as the players on instruments shall be there: all my springs are in thee.” (Psa. 87:1-7).


His foundation is in the holy mountains. Zion as a mountain is different from dwelling places. Places are not mountains.


The city of God is Zion. To be born there is a qualification of something far from God. The birth there is not as the one that He is in, because He is in her (Zion).


The word ‘springs’ here means offspring, because birth is being discussed in this passage. 


The springing of water is a formation of people; it is a writing of prophets to fullness. To write is to birth. He will write with His own springs; all His springs for birthing are in her. The Lord sprang out of Judah; one should be able to spring out of Zion because that is where the spring of God is. When you are born in where the springs are, you should go up with the spring.; such that when they refer to you, they will say you sprang out of her.The Deliverer came from the spring of Zion (Rom. 11:26)


The woman gave birth to a manchild. The manchild was from Zion, a church that had not been born. She has the springs and the springs were kept in her, not because she had attained the nature of inheriting the spring; she is a keeper of the springs for birthing God’s children. Through her, the purpose of God can be achieved. That reason God loves the gates of Zion more than the dwelling places of Jacob is because He can't keep springs in the dwelling places but in Zion. Zion is the conducive place for God to spring children. Zion is a home for springing children. 


When God finds a church that can allow springs, many children will come forth; God will write up people. 


David wrote these things. He was a revelational man with the spirit upon. He was not dull in the spirit. He plotted the graph of the natural and saw what God did with the earthly/natural Zion; and knew that God had an expectation for the Zion above or to come.


Zion is the vision of God and God wants us to be Zion so that He can commit springs unto us. If God can build a Zion community on earth, it would not be difficult to spring men out of Zion. The holy springs are springs of men.


“Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions: [2] How he sware unto the LORD, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob; [3] Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; [4] I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids, [5] Until I find out a place for the LORD, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.” (Psa. 132:1-5)


David knew exactly the architecture of a place for the Lord, or a habitation for the mighty God of Jacob. The habitation or abode is where He will rest on. 


The least place God expects from men is Zion. Dwelling places of Jacob are not attractive enough to God; but when men decide to give themselves some discomfort of not resting but do an uphill task of sacrificing and building up, they call for the mighty God of Jacob. As soon as God rests upon Zion, He releases His springs there and keeps it secret and protected. This means that Zion is good enough for keeping God’s springs. 


What are God’s springs? This is the way God generates. The very first product of God’s generation are ‘this man that was born IN her’. God has used the springs to generate such men.


For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.” (Psalm 132:13-14). Here, we can see what God is laying purpose on. When God is building and raising a community, it is for the purpose of raising a habitation which is God’s rest and a dwelling place for Him. 


(Psalm 132:12) The seed of the woman are keepers of the testimony. The seed that was caught up to God (Rev. 12:5) was the children of the children of the woman. The children of David are Zion or the children of Zion. But Zion has many children; and there are the children's children, referring to another category of childlikeness


The first lamb gave birth to the smaller one. Out of Amnos the everlasting Lamb came Anion. What sits on the throne is the child of a child. The child that the mother gave birth to is not the older. She gave birth to the younger; thus, making the younger the older. The younger is actually the older, for he is the first to become younger. 


And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.” (Gen. 25:23). God is talking about ancient mysteries here. The first child will serve the younger child; the younger child will take the lead later. 


All of them (the first born children of Zion) used to be the same. One was born there and one was born in her. All were born BY her. However, one went further to be born IN her to sit on the throne. 


There is being born there in Zion, and there is being born in her. The one that came out of her, who sat on the throne, is actually the child’s child. This means that Zion will give birth twice.


“Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. [8] Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.” (Isa. 66:7-8). She gave birth to children after travail, but she was found with children before her pain came.


“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Rev. 12.17). All her children keep the commandments of God, even those who were not yet born in her, but the next place of destiny was to go and be born in her. The end of the testimony is to be born in the woman because that is where all her springs can be found. So there are those who will be born there, and there are those who will born in her.


The LORD shall count, when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there. Selah” (Ps 87:6). When God wants to write up people, that is, for them to rise up out of her to the throne, They will check if you were born there before you can be born in her.


In Isaiah 66:8, we see that the woman gave birth to a man-child after travail but it does not mean that all of them are the man-child; the quality of man-child differs. The woman has two birth canals: she can give birth with and without the springs. While the testimony was not finished and the children were keeping it, they were born (that is, without the springs). However, another child was born when the testimony was finished, with the springs in the woman. 


The first set of children that were born were all keepers but some entered into the womb of the woman through the springs. The testament led them to where the springs are. As long as they did not enter into the mother, there is no way they can sit on the throne, as God accepts His children from the woman. 


The Essence of Womanhood in the Purpose of God


It is the seed of the woman that will bruise the head of the serpent (Gen. 3:15). Womanhood cannot be taken away or obliterated. As long as one is a seed, one who partakes of a woman, you have a right of way on the earth because you are being born of a woman. 


Childlessness is an attack of Satan; there is a deeper meaning to it away from the natural. To be blessed with the grace for healing barrenness is a prophetic statement of this work; it is very apostolic for people to conceive and give birth to children.


Every man generally is a woman of God; everybody is a potential birth place for God’s processes. We all have wombs. The natural womb of the woman signifies the womb in the soul. 


The womb in the woman is not the spring, it is the life of God.  It is generative, such that can bring forth a person. The springs cause the power of conception to place the child in the womb. God put springs in her because God understands that she has the home to hold the child for Him. That home is higher than Zion. 


Both the spring and the place of the baby's fullness of manifestation are God's provision. God designed and prepared the womb in her. The womb is not a spring place; it is a place for a conceived child, whereas spring is life. God kept His spring or water in her for the child to spring to the degree where he can be fully God’s son, ready to sit on the throne. That child will come to fullness of life in her. The springs make the baby. 


One who is born there and is a child of the testimony will be converted by the testimony/commandment and be made eligible for the womb. One must be small enough from being a child who walks to being a child who sleeps in the womb. Not many men can be redundant as a man and be like a child of the womb. 


“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” (Psa. 127:3). One is an inheritance, the other is a reward. The fruit of the womb is the reward child, which is the one that God will put on His throne and give Eternal Life. God is going to reward men, mankind, and all and sundry with the fruit of the womb. The man-child that will sit on the throne is a gift for the nations. God is not just giving the earth children who have inherited Him, He is also rewarding the earth because the child needs the reward to deal with the dragon. 


Satan and other morning sons are not just children of inheritance, they have rewards. That is why cherubims keep the gate of the east. They are eastern beings. They do not have Eternal Life but they have a kind of it, so they are not ignorant of it. 


How Do We Apply These Revelations to Our Daily Lives?


What does the child in the womb mean? What does it mean to be caught up to God and His throne? None of these manifestations will be seen physically. It is possible to sit on the throne and your flesh is not on the throne. Jesus said, “He that overcometh will I make to sit on the throne…”. He did not say He will change our bodies.


It is the spirit and the soul that would sit on the throne. As long as a soul is not seen on the throne, Eternal Life reign is not effective in the life of such a one. Jesus’ spirit, soul and body sat on the throne. In the calendar of God, the body may not be too important to sit on the throne; but as a result of the sitting of the spirit and soul on the throne, the body may get to an elevated place.


It is possible to sit on the throne and the body is not changed. It is possible to overcome and not sit on the throne. One may overcome and may not yet be given Eternal Life. Those things are trumpets. Trumpets mean sacred things exclusively reserved for high validation and permission of God. Thus, when the trumpet is not sounding, some things will not occur. Even Christ cannot be preached to men if the trumpet is not sounding. 


Heaven must blow an alarm to set things in order to accommodate a project. When the trumpet blows, direction is clear.  A trumpet is more definite than an alarm (Joel 2:1). The words we are hearing are as a result of trumpets. 


At about the time these things were to be opened in 1990, I audibly heard a bull horn sound in the spirit in the night while a meeting was going on. The horn sounded three times at accurate intervals. This happened twice. It did not sound like the iron trumpets people blow. It must have been an angel. After the trumpeting, these things began to open. When people dive into revelation without the sound of the trumpet, they enter into ditches. 


We do not need to go physically to heaven to hold the rod of iron. The change of the body would be for everyone but it would happen at the last trumpet (1 Cor. 15:52). However, there are other programs for the soul to sit on the throne. Those programs are trumpets. The last trump being mentioned in 1 Cor 15 is not part of the seven trumpets in Revelation; those seven trumpets are just programs of the salvation of the operations of the Holy Place. 


It is possible that the major trump may not be more than three but it would have the rest of the trump operation inclusive in the three. The trump of redemption may not be more than two or three; everything that characterises the salvation of the soul and the mystery of Eternal Life would require a trumpet. No one will sit on the throne without a trumpet. The last trump will be for the body. 


The body will not change until the manchild who has taken power is aligned under Jesus, learning to use the subjective power of Jesus, which is the rod of iron (Rev. 19:15). The essence of the rod of iron is to break people in pieces and to keep them under subjection. Jesus would rule people who have the antichrist nature, who have received the mark of the beast, for 1000 years with the rod of iron (Rev. 20:4).


The rod of righteousness is not majestic, it is a great word with the ability of reigning. It is first of all an everlasting word though there is an eternal righteousness. This eternal righteousness which the face of the eternal God communicates and becomes the rod of iron. When one begins to handle the rod of iron, such begins to gain the mastery of putting things under, and the reign of the rod of iron grows. 


The rod does not discharge all of its power at once, but it discharges it gradually as one grows in reign. The transaction of reign is not just what one expresses with the hand, it is what comes to one’s thinking. One would accumulate thoughts of righteousness, and would come into a breakthrough of wisdom (eternal wisdom) that will bring things under. Such would keep going higher and things come under. Those are eternal privileges of God; this is being caught up to God and His throne. This rod is for ruling all nations, for there is no nation this rod cannot handle.


We will have living bodies, everlasting bodies. If the body of Elijah can go to heaven, it is not the same with the bodies of the children of Israel, even though it is flesh and blood. The Bible did not say flesh and blood will not go to heaven, it says flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:50). That kingdom of God is Eternal Life, not everlasting life. 


We do not need the eternal body here on this earth, else, we will not be able to do anything here on earth—for example, there will be no desire to marry because the body has been redesigned. Jesus has an eternal body and He does not have our weaknesses. What changed His body was a power of fashioning, not upgrading; a redesigning. Eternal Life will fashion the soul but not the body; a trumpet is required to change the body. The body cannot not just be changed because there are a lot of things the manchild would still be doing here on earth; he will be ministering to people. The body will be very close to an eternal body and would do many things unimaginable.


Nobody will sit on the throne without a thronic soul. There is God soul and throne soul. It is only the Eternal God that can operate His Throne. The master of the throne of God is God who does not have our form. He is not like us but He vowed to David to cause his children to sit on His throne. Jesus went ahead of us 2000 years ago to heaven to sit on the throne; He ought to be the blueprint of everyone to know where they will end up. Heaven is not far; heaven is here. Heaven and Jesus are real. Jesus wants men who by walk, obedience and sacrifices, will be granted access by God to sit with Him on His Father’s throne, which is His own throne (Jesus) as well. 


Those who will sit on the throne are those who will follow the spring. Those are prophets. The prophetic journey is to end them up sitting on the throne. They will become the eternal servants of our God who will be able to see His eternal face. One should be that kind of child that can see His face. We will be looking at the face of the child of children; Jesus is the greatest child. 


In His face we will see eternity; we will see meekness in its raw essence. We need to see Him in his raw estate, seeing His face and becoming like Him. David had that heart to see the Lord’s beauty. He was not concerned about the natural throne; it meant nothing to him. This throne was what Herod, who was not even a Jew, took later. Anything Satan or anyone can take is not yours; No one can sit upon what is yours. Where God has kept our benefit, our high exaltation, our destiny, is where no one can breakthrough. 




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