The Shepherdic Ministry of Jesus Pt.1 (BECONPM)

Programme: Believers’ Convention Prayer Meeting (Week 2_Day 3)

Date: Wednesday, 17th July, 2024



Transcript Summary


1. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. [2] But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.” (John‬ ‭10‬:‭1‬-‭2‬). The insignia of the identity of a saved sheepfold is when the Lord is the door to the sheepfold. This is the ministry of our Lord Jesus, which is actually a strong shepherdic ministry at the right hand side of the Majesty on High. Everything He is doing is under the shepherdic administration. In the realm of the spirit, our Lord Jesus is the Pastor of the sheep; He is the Shepherd of the Church in the unseen realm. This means every leader or five-fold ministry is under this Shepherd. 


2. In the Old Testament, the pastors of the people were prophets. The purpose of the priestly ministry in the Old Testament was that the priests were bishops; they assumed the role of keeping the people, especially during the books of Joshua and Judges. It was so until they began to relinquish that role due to the demand of the people in seeking a king. This means they no longer wanted God as their king.


3. The kingly roles assumed in the Old Testament were more of bishopric; they could not lead the people. One king who entered into a priestly function was David. As a prophet and a psalmist, David was able to lead Israel into pasture. The pasture Israel found in the season of David was mercy. Jesus is the son of David, taking on the role of the Shepherd, both for the keeping of the house and leading the sheep. That was where David was picked from; it was from leading the sheep God anointed the leader of His people.


4. David was a sign in his generation for something to come. The original David is Jesus, He is the root of David. This means that David can be traced to him. He calls Himself the root and the offspring of David. Jesus has been the David in the heart of the Father before David lived. Jesus will be the David of eternity, leading and feeding flock in the world to come, eternally. Scriptures say that of the increase of His government, there shall be no end (‭‭Isa. ‭9‬:‭7).


5. “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; Thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth.” (‭‭Ps. ‭80‬:‭1). God always dwells amidst sheep. Cherubims are flocks. These sheep or cherubs have been sealed to the utmost heavens, lacking nothing. One can tell a cherub by his content. Every cherub is full of wisdom,


6. not only the devil (‭‭Eze. ‭28‬:‭12). Satan used to be a full shepherd under God; this means he was among the flock of God.


7. “Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.”‭ (‭‭Ps. ‭50‬:‭2‬). God is convenient to show forth beauty in Zion. God does not demonstrate the ministry of beauty until He sees Zion stones that are completely ready to receive the ministry of beauty. The purpose of the flock is that God wants to take people to Zion.


8. ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭61‬:‭1-3. The meek are those God wants to lead, those who can respond to the leading of the Shepherd. Zion has been a realm for meeting with God. It takes time to get to the promise. This is why David was unique. God needed a man with a particular heart who can navigate to Zion. Satan also knows and understands the topology of Zion.


9. There were still giants in the land in the time of David. Saul fought some wars but a challenge came that he could not overcome. A giant came that he could not conquer because he was not nurtured enough to do so. That giant was a spiritual wickedness in high places. The giant weakened the army of the Lord until David showed up on the scene (1 Sam. 17:1-50).


10. David was a shepherd boy nurtured in the wilderness. Immediately he saw Goliath, something stirred up in him; he was not dealing with Goliath by senses but by sight. David understood that Goliath was uncircumcised and that meant he was disqualified. We need an x-ray of our enemies. This is why we need the experience of the bear and lion. The conquest of David in killing the lion and the bear is traceable to him not loving his life. This was why he could go after the lion and the bear to defend the flock. David saw Goliath as a dog, as one who had no pedigree. He saw that the death penalty had been passed on Goliath by the decree of heaven, so he ran after him and brought him down. There was something in the stone that David held, it was the weapon of an angel.


11. There is something about Zion. David got Zion and established it when he fought the Jebusites. The Jebusites are a kind of warriors who were difficult to deal with. David had to look for a key to get them. He took the stronghold of Zion and they could not fight back. David was anointed by God to take Zion and it became the city of David.


12. “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. [2] Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.” (Ps. 48:1-2). The living God needs a mountain to put His feet on. God can mount on the holy mount where He can condescend to. Those angels are mountains in their minds. A cherubim is a very high mountain. Cherubims are referred to as Mount Olives because they are Most Holy entities. You cannot handle Zion if you are not beautiful (Isa.‬ ‭52‬:‭7‬). Beauty in the spirit is that people are being saved.


13. Isaiah 61:1-3. The meek and broken-hearted state is a state ready to receive help from God. There cannot be liberty except one is bound. God wants to judge all things that offend the flock that has been obeying God. The day of the vengeance of our God starts in the soul, when God begins to judge the issue of hell and death. This can only be done to someone who is mourning in Zion. One can be a mourner, but when such a one gets to Zion, such can be at ease. This is because there is a blessing in Zion; it is a place of peace. However, God desires that such persons still mourn. They mourn because they are still dissatisfied being in the Sanctuary.


14. Isaiah 61:3-6. The oil of joy is an enablement for life of joy in the kingdom of joy that would be given to those who mourn. There must be mourning. The garment of praise is for the soul that is heavy. One who has the spirit of heaviness is someone who has weight. Such men can take cities back to Zion. Waste cities are waste souls. They can handle decay or dissolving of a soul. They will have what it takes to heal a soul. We have to be blessed above Zion to handle certain decay. We would get to a state where we can heal the LGBTQ and bring their minds back to its original essence.


15. When we get born again, we become lambs. Prior to that time, we were matured; we were someone’s (Satan) sheep. The Bible says, ‭‭“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isa. ‭53‬:‭6) People come to church with their ways intact, even after being born again. When people do things against the principles of God’s way, it means they have not been led. Leading is primarily for conversion.


16. “But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.” (John 10:2). Jesus is the shepherd. The Holy Ghost is our seal. He downloads His name, which is Jesus, via knowledge and doctrine. Someone can have knowledge but may not have ways. The child was filled with wisdom, not only wisdom for knowledge but that which shows in ways. That is the wisdom of conversation. One can have revelation knowledge as a result of wisdom and understanding but may not be wise, that is, may not have wisdom for living. 


17. We are looking at the advent of a flock from a babe to a full child. From a full child, They will begin to make you a sheep. Not all sheep are lambs; lambs have different ages. The allocation of the Holy Spirit is to make you a full lamb that can cross over to be a sheep. A lamb that can enter into a sheepfold is a lamb that is ready to learn Christ.


18. God converts a lamb to become a sheep by leading it into the world of the unknown; this is where God changes the power of darkness we are using to live to the power of God. A sheep is he who is plugged to God and unplugged from the earth. He is no longer using the wisdom of the world, or the power of the adversary to live. Every sheep must have relinquished the confidence they have in the flesh.


19. Jesus was a sheep but He started as a Lamb in a manger. God led Him until he became a Sheep. From being a Sheep, He became a Sheep. Then God converted Him again into a Lamb. What God is looking for is a lamb; lambs of God are high sheep of God. We should fulfill the course of a high sheep until God gets a lamb out of us. John said Jesus is the Lamb of God (John 1:29), not of men.


20. Jesus’ shepherdic role does not start until He has received us. The sheep that Jesus can lead are those who can see Him. We cannot see Him except the Holy Ghost has led us. There are two fold presentations of the Holy Ghost: being led from babyhood to childhood, and being led from childhood to God. We would not be given to Jesus except we have been sealed with Christ. Then the Lord Jesus will receive us.


21. The sheep that Jesus comes to are Zion sheep. Jesus comes to their door and that door is Himself. Ministers of the gospel ought to preach Him by the Holy Ghost. Door speaks of entrance into the sheepfold. Anyone Jesus sends enters through the door; that door is the culmination of all the teachings which is also entrance. When one is fully built, you are finished at the mouth, that is your door. It means that you are built into Him. He becomes your secret and entrance. It means no one can disvirgin you except Him. That is what makes one a virgin.


22. The teachings and leading closes you up and gives you a narrow passage. It will vet anyone that wants to enter. “My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him.” (SOS 5:4). When his finger enters, it will unlock. When there is no unlocking, you will feel it. So this is how we would know not to follow the voice of a stranger (John 10:5). When a man has been built to only allow one voice, he has been built to hear Jesus when He comes. This is what takes place in the spirit. 


23. The sheep has flesh; the soul lives in a body. That is why the pastoral ministry is ordained. The sheep needs a local place where they can be attended to. Someone must be overseeing them locally. God empowers people who will give their lives to oversee the people locally. But a high shepherdic work is going on in the spirit. Ministers of the gospel must keep the flow of the Shepherd who owns the sheep. The Shepherd always comes for His sheep; their aroma calls Him.


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