Text: Revelation 12
We must bear in mind that no flesh can survive the day of the Lord. Only the overcomers will survive the intensity of the light of His countenance and this would be by the sure mercies of David. The day of the lord is a time of separation and sifting in the spirit, which distinguishes the authentic from the counterfeit; the resolute from the compromisers.
The day of the Lord is characterised by tares and wheat. Tares are an exact look alike of the wheat. It will only take the discerning to distinguish between these two. The challenge of the day of the Lord is falsehood, it takes the discernment to survive. The Lord gave a wisdom which is to allow for both the tares and the wheat to grow together. At harvest the difference between wheat and tare is made clear; the wheat’s fluorescent bows but that of the tares remains erect. The wheat is characterized by the spirit of truth while that of the tares is known by the spirit of error. The product of the wheat is brokenness, but that of the tares is falsehood, arrogance, the pride of life.
We are approaching a time when the core of entities will be revealed. It is a time of separation and the day of the harvest where the governing spirits and natures of men will be revealed. The day of the Lord is shaped by the unveiling of truth; by the infiltration of falsehood; by the enforcement of the reign of Christ; as well as the imposition of the spirit of the age (dragon). Oftentimes when scripture uses the femine gender it represents the church. The woman in Revelation 12 is the description of a certain church ‘zion church’ that would bring forth the manchild. The church will put on the sun as a garment (Rev. 12:1) which means that church will carry the glory of the Father.
We cannot put on the glory of God, without having used our feet. We must walk; who understand and discern the body; who submit our revelation to authority. The church that would bring forth the manchild is one that understanded boundaries in the spirit. It is the church that is the hope of the nations not the united nations. The harlot church is a liability to the world. God is raising a church that would understand and observe protocol of the kingdom.
The manchild is brought forth through a process of contractions, it takes pain to bring forth the sons of God. Some people do not like hearing about sonship because they hate the process. The world wants a church that does not desire process. God is pleased when we embrace what is measured out to us. The current emphasis of faith and love is to enable us fulfill the intention of God.
The man child is brought forth amidst suffering. The dragon is not interested in our money nor career, his only interest is in hindering the coming of the manchild. The intention of God is that we build capacity and momentum in the spirit to a point where we experience being caught up. The day of the Lord is the day of contention, conflicts and birthpangs so that the manchild can be brought forth.
The bible says in 1 John 4:1 that we should “believe not every spirit, but try spirits whether they are of God. This means that we cannot afford frivolities in this season, we must develop the capacity to try spirits.The word ‘try’ is gotten from a greek word that means to scrutinize the content of an entity; to be discerning. Discernment is not suspicion, discernment comes out of a walk, out of our daily engagement through faith of the son. Faith of the Son is an everyday engagement that we must exercise more than we exercise the faith toward God because the faith toward God is not designed to raise in us discernment. We acquire discernment by engaging the faith of the Son. An overcoming church is a discerning church.
We are warned in scripture of false prophets that will come in the end time, these Prophets will not be from without but from within the company of those professing faith, even the faith of the son. By reason of use and exercise of the faith of the son, there may be no need of discernment to know a prophet from without. The prophets we are warned of are those that teach revelation of the faith of the Son having the semantics, language, but not the spirit. These prophets are look-alikes, one needs discernment to differentiate them from the original. These prophets have a form on the outside, they are anointed yet contravene the code of love.
In 1 John 4;2-3, the word ‘confess’ here means ‘emphasy’. Emphasis tampers with our convictions, that is why we must take heed what we hear. If healing is taking place and a great manifestation of the anointing is taking place but emphasis on Christ being revealed in the soul is not given premium to, such an order is not of the New Testament, it is antichrist. When the atmosphere around us doesn't allow for interaction with things that are of Christ, that operation is anti-christ.
We are not supposed to stagger at the day of the Lord but know. We must be accurate in our placement of judgement, and application of biblical doctinnes. We must be well rounded as regards the New Testament, we should not be half-baked. The present sayings of God are truths that promote the salvation of our souls. We must be children of the spirit, knowing the voice of God and having the witness of the spirit. We must be aware of times and seasons. We would not be at the cutting edge of the doings of God for our time if we do not observe times and sayings.
The apostolic is the one who lays foundation, the prophetic has an insight into the things of God, heralding the sayings of God. One who is in an environment which has the true apostolic and the prophetic operation will be at an advantage over one who is in an environment which does not. The journey is going to be very slow for one who is in an environment that does not emphasize the present sayings of God and growth.
The word season is gotten from a Greek word which means the point of trigger for the eruption of God's purpose on the earth, it talks about the culmination of the high point of the move of God with respect to our faithfulness. Season is the harvest time, the seed of devotion, the seed of the faith of the Son if planted will be harvested when due. Time is gotten from a Greek word meaning the sum total of the unfolding happenings that make up an era. This chronus (time) encapsulates the full cycle of the Spirit, from the conception of the work of the Lord. It is the completion of divine process, seed time, growth and harvest.
God wants us to be vast with regards to both times and seasons if we will not miss the day of the Lord. We must be able to track where God is and what He is doing and our lives must testify accordingly. The word ‘cometh’ is derived from a Greek word that means appearance. Many do not know that the coming of the Lord is a process, He must first daily come to teach us and correct our ways prior to His coming in majesty.
We must be guarded by the breastplate of faith and love (1 Thess 5:8). Faith is not just the means to getting things but to pleasing God. it takes faith to achieve Love. Hope is the helmet, to cover our head. We must be perpetually under the illumination of yahweh, if not we would fall prey to the cloud of darkness (covering cast). The enemy creates offences in our hearts towards our brethren so that we might not receive the coming of the Lord. The most vicious weapon of the enemy is offence, bitterness and rebellion.
When the bible says Iniquity shall abound (Matt. 24:12), it is speaking of clouds that will come over men. Iniquity means lawlessness which will sap the strength of many. The enemy aims at demobilizing the church to make the church carnal and ordinary leaving her incapable of fulfilling the mind of God.
However, Mount Zion will emerge as a corporate entity of God's people. Any atmosphere where the inner man is being fed is Zion; Zion arises when men are changing. In Isaiah 25: 6-7 Fat things here means fruits of olive, olive meaning contents of Christ that would bring healing to our souls. Deliverance takes place only on zion. Deliverance never occurs until the eyes of understanding are enlightened. Enlightenment comes when our eyes are open. If our eyes are covered change will not occur. If we cannot see we are automatically brought under the control of spirits. The Lord in his mercy is intervening in the church and bringing revelation to heal us of our sight.