Understanding the Land and the Promise (BECON PM)

Programme: Believers’ Convention 2024 (Week 3_Day 4)

Date: Friday, 26th July 2024.



Transcript Summary


1. Spiritual things are peculiar. One cannot inherit what he has not seen (understood). If we are unaware of the things we ought to inherit in the days of our flesh, we cannot trust God for them. We cannot casually come into those things, they have to be brought to us. That which should come to us is a grace (1 Pet. 1:13) and we ought to come into this grace while we are here on earth. Therefore, we should hope for it to the end. 

2. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, but we cannot hope when we have no knowledge of it (Heb. 11:1). What knowledge does is to stir up faith. This faith is called hope and it is informed by substances. Faith comes by hearing continuously (Rom. 10:17). The two major ways we are fed as flock are through the eyes of our understanding and the ears of our spirit.

3. (1 Pet. 1:13). There are things that we should come into in the days of our sojourning on earth or in the days of our flesh. If they are not revealed, grace will not be brought. What precedes the grace being brought to us is the revelation of Jesus Christ. We cannot have faith or hunger for what we do not know about. Therefore, God is speaking to us so that the hope can be painted for us to see, and so that our hearts can desire and gravitate towards it. 

4. God’s plan was for the children of Israel to be as living as their fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). If they had succeeded in living as their fathers, it would have been said that they entered into rest. But their souls could not come into that kind of disposition. A disposition refers to something that is in-built. It is a thing of the heart and it also refers to a person's character. One has to hear, hearken, yield and obey consistently for the heart to come into a disposition that can be said to be “another spirit” (Eze. 36:26). You cannot inherit the promised land without the right heart.

5. Zion is both a position and a disposition. This means that one cannot locate Zion without his heart being rightly configured. It is a disposition of heart to not just find Zion, but to be a dweller in Zion. The land of promise is a land of the living. One cannot come into that land if one is not living. That disposition is a nature or identity which our soul has to take or come into. One cannot dwell in the land when he has not been given ‘My spirit’, as described in Ezekiel 36:28.

6. When we have that spirit or disposition, we will be one and be saying one thing. That spirit will make us do some things that we would not ordinarily do. A person with the spirit will display a manner of life that will be consistent with the attitude of the promise. There are dispositions that are not consistent with the spirit of the promise.

7. To follow God wholeheartedly is to be able to take what God says and not doubt when there is striking evidence in the physical to make one doubt it; such has developed another spirit by following. There is an obedience which we have to obey in order to have ‘My spirit’. When we have it, we will live it out, walk in God’s statutes and keep His judgment.

8. The reason for ‘My spirit’ is to be a dweller in the land. This spirit is the living spirit. ‘My spirit’ is the disposition that was given to the Fathers and they were dwellers because they lived. The land is also called rest, therefore, entering into the land or taking that disposition is for the soul to rest (Heb. 4:9-10). God will not bring the promise when there is still war; one must rest.

9. When one possesses that land in his soul, anywhere he steps becomes that land and he can express living. The land will yield because of such a man. The physical land has its place in the spirit; if one enters the land in his soul, one will own the land. God used that to train Abraham on how to live (Deut. 11:24).

10. Our land is the inheritance incorruptible, undefiled and that fades not away (1 Pet. 1:4). The land cannot fade because it is a product of resurrection. Anything that passes through resurrection cannot be defiled or corrupted

11. Spirits have cultured nations (souls) with wrong natures. In the New Testament, God's wisdom is that we should deal with those natures. When we deal with those natures, we are not just shaking the earth, but also the heavens. When a nature is dealt with in a man, a spirit will fall or lose its place in the air. For a spirit to lose its place in the air, a critical mass of people need to have been dislodged from it by fighting their giants (wrong natures).

12. While we are dealing with natures, what we are dealing with are spirits (Eph. 6:12). We fight our giants by dealing with our wrong natures. We fight by obedience to God and disobedience to the course of this world. Evil spirits know there is a course we will follow that will make us forever bound to them. But God will introduce a course of obedience which when we do, we will be dealing with spirits.

13. True obedience is one that is done by the leading of the Spirit. The Lord knows the disposition that has been previously given in our souls. He knows how to make us generate obedience to God and disobey it. Following another person's commandment might not be the string you need to pull to cut off a wrong nature/spirit. So the Holy Ghost will wait to give us instructions in areas that pertain to us. It is the light of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord that will make us defeat our infirmities.

14. For those infirmities to be expired completely, we have to follow the Shepherd and eat the pasture. The pasture rewires our minds. Part of the reasons for the leading of the Shepherd is to cleanse our minds from the filth, thoughts, arguments or reasonings of this world. The pasture brings every thought that is not subject to Christ under (2 Corin. 10:5).

15. It is when we have come to the land that the grace or promise will be brought to us. The land is a disposition that we need to have in our souls in order to find that position in the spirit where the promise will be conferred on us. If we are not there, we are not yet living. We are supposed to live and abide there. To dwell means that we have found a place to rest. When we rest, the promise has been brought. The Promise cannot be brought until we enter into rest.


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