Programme: Writing the Vision (February Edition)
Date: Saturday, 17th February, 2024
Transcript Summary
1. Many of us are still afraid of losing the things of this present world because of the laws that are still within us. These laws were written in man by the adversary so that man would only see the present world as life. The present world was designed by Satan so that man can live for it. Thus, Satan seeks to preserve the present world so that man will always remain captive to him.
2. The world to come is not put in the subjection of angels (Heb. 2:5). We are fortunate to hear about the world to come, but a natural man would not see it as something relevant. This is because the understanding of a natural man has been darkened by Satan, such that he cannot value things that are unseen. Such men only value the things of this present world; they have been so blinded by Satan that they do not mind passing away (perishing) with that state of heart.
3. One form of holiness that one can attain on earth is to vomit this present world; but when one vomits this world, Satan will fight back so that one can go back to that vomit – the attitude of a dog (2 Pet. 2:22). Vomits are things that are in this present world. One of the natures of a dog is to go back to its vomit; it is one of the curses that was passed on to the creature (dog). However, Jesus comes to treat this nature to make sure a man never goes back to his vomit.
4. Death has a sting and that sting is sin. The strength of sin is the law (1 Cor. 15:56). The law here is the power of sin; it is the spirit in sin and that is what Satan injects in men. When a man becomes a carrier of sin and he is not helped, it can kill him. Thus, the person would eventually die and be unable to recover.
5. God is speaking to us in His Son (Heb. 1:2). The work Jesus had in Himself was that the Father was in Him; this made Him inherit the Father as God. So, when God spoke the "so great salvation" through the Son (Heb. 2:3), He was the one speaking. This great salvation was not completely strange to the apostles because the Lord had first begun to speak it to them. The Lord came with a kind of wisdom through Apostle Paul to speak spiritual and divine things to men. As such, we need Apostle Paul’s key to open Jesus’ word.
6. The Lord will not begin to speak until He sees a people who are willing to hear Him, and we should not harden our hearts when we hear. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all who hear and obey Him (Heb. 5:9). One cannot obey Him by just reading the scriptures but by hearing Him. Salvation does not come to a man just by reading scriptures; it comes by hearing and obedience.
7. The ministration of spirit starts with the impartation of faith. Faith is a spirit; it is the first spirit set to open the door to the inheritance. When God sends the spirit of faith to a man, the way of inheritance has been opened to such a person. Immediately faith comes, entrance has also come. If the work of faith is not operating in the life of a believer, such a one cannot find the inheritance. This means as long as one is in faith, the inheritance is sure. Anything that is not of faith is sin (Rom. 14:23). Sin is flesh or unbelief, and God will not give us His things when we are in the flesh or filled with unbelief.
8. (Galatians 3:14). It is the Holy Ghost that knows how to condition a man to receive spirit; He knows how to temper a man to become spiritual. It is the Holy Ghost who conditions us to be able to receive spirits or promises that are of God.
9. (Hebrews 1:14). Angels will be sent ahead for all those who shall be heirs of salvation; these angels know those who are supposed to be heirs of salvation. That means if we are having the visitation of angels, we should be rest assured that we are the ones. These angels have been charged to look for us, bless us and position us for the ministry of the Son. What we are doing is preparing the ground for the ministry of the Son to be effective on earth. Without angelic assistance, we may never come to salvation.
10. The word of salvation that we are hearing is coming from the throne of God – one that God and the Lamb is seated on. This is why we should hold fast to this word and trust in the Lord with all our hearts; we should not doubt salvation. We should have a martyrdom attitude. We must be above things. We should not let morsels of bread contend with this "so great salvation". We should get to a place where, even when problems are everywhere, we are rejoicing. We should trust God to gain energy on the inside, such that nothing happening on the outside (in the natural) would disturb the peace on the inside (our hearts). This is possible because greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
11. Those who are single and waiting on the Lord should not be looking after the need for a husband. After some time, those things will become obsolete because we will see the Lord appearing in people, and we will know that nature change, as a result of this word, is much more than desiring a husband. We should not be looking for a ministry where they only concentrate on our natural needs being met. We should seek God; this is the way to break Satan. This word is powerful! If it can give birth to an incorruptible man, it will surely meet our needs in the natural.
12. (Hebrews 2:5). For the world to come to be under our subjection, we must have heard all the speakings of God – He who is speaking must have spoken to the finish. The spoken word belongs to those who will have the world to come under their feet. A lot of people will make it to the world to come, but that world will not be put under the subjection of many because it belongs to those who are saved. This is why we should give "the more earnest heed" to the things which we have heard (Heb. 2:1).
13. One cannot sit on the throne when one is not saved. It is the quality of your being that will warrant where you occupy. Confessing that we are seated with Christ can be used for demons but not to rule. God will make Jesus’ enemies His footstool by raising men who will fulfill Psalms 91. These men will overcome the 'serpent' as the first work, and also overcome the 'dragon' as the last work.
14. As Satan is delaying the salvation of the soul for many, it is having an effect on Jesus’ reign. Satan brings a lot of arguments, warfare, talks, and accusations to make us feel that the salvation of our souls is nothing. He makes us think that life is all about changing/increasing in the measure of things we have in the natural, but that is not life. Life is about taking the reign from the devil and breaking his strength over us.
15. We have to be caught up by God to sit on the throne. Eternal Life is not full until we sit on the throne. To be caught up is not to go to heaven physically; it is to be caught up into the world or comprehension of Eternal Life. When we are caught up to God, it is to know Him.
16. The issue of bringing Satan under is a manifestation of the throne; it is to bring all enemies under subjection. The man-child company will bring all enemies under Jesus’ feet. This will begin a new era on earth. We are hearing Someone speaking from heaven and angels are bringing His message. As the Son is speaking, angels are bringing it, and salvation is being spoken. Angels will minister to us until we put their fallen brothers (fallen angels) under our feet.