Understanding the Way into the Bosom of the Father (WTVPM)

Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)

Programme: Writing the Vision Prayer Meeting (October

Date: Friday, 15th October 2021

Ministering: Rev. Kayode Oyegoke


Thoughts are some unseen energies that are small and more invisible than atoms. The materials of thoughts are not tangible. Atoms can be seen on a microscope but thoughts cannot be seen. This tells us that thoughts exist in a realm that is not visible in our realm. Invisible science tells us that invisible things are more powerful than visible things. So as invisible as atoms are, there are things more invisible than them, and those things are stronger. The more invisible a material, the more powerful it is. The last realm of invisibility is God Himself - He is called the invisible God (Col. 1:15).

To say that God is invisible is to say that He is unknown. No man has known God, because no man has seen Him at any time, except the begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father (John 1:8). The bosom of the Father is the realm where God alone can access, where He hides. Scripture made us to know that Abraham has a bosom; he became God’s friend and was given a bosom (Luke 16:22). Whosoever follows God well enough will be blessed with a bosom. A bosom is an abode.

“In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2). This place is a realm that is inaccessible to any other creature but the Godhead. The Godhead go to that place; They can come out from there to appear to creature, but They go back there. So we cannot understand our Lord Jesus except He appears to us. We need our Lord Jesus to bring the incomprehensible to light. God is far from creation. Satan sought to project his thoughts into the realm where God dwells, but he cannot break into it (Isa. 14:13-14). Satan cannot dissolve the gate of entrance into the place where God dwells. 

There are dimensions beyond creation; creation is small including the thoughts that framed it. Those who live in creation are small compared to God who lives outside creation. Whosoever is living in creation has a small and limited mind. God steps into creation, but He does not live there. God’s abode is outside of creation.

Christians do not know that they are far superior to scientists. Scientists always ask Christians to prove what they believe. However, they should not be asking for such because they equally believe that their own thoughts (which they call hypothesis) are enough proofs. Inventions come from hypotheses. Inventions are a breakthrough into new thoughts. It is possible to talk about a thinking mannerism that is not yet in man’s realm and yet it’s true. A thought can be finished in the invisible. If we can adopt scientists into our thought realm, and they feed there for a while, they will come to believe the things we speak.


“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Cor. 4:18). A man can change by seeing things that are invisible. These things that are not seen are things that angels cannot see; they are beyond the heavens. They are extra-celestial thoughts and they come in different weights.

Jesus dwells in the bosom of the Father. The bosom of the Father is not a particular place in the universe. Rather, it is a place that is hidden in God’s heart: it is an understanding or a door that He does not open to just anybody.

The brightness (glory) of God’s person is not just a property of our spirit and soul, but a manifestation that will also touch our minds (Heb. 1:3). We need spiritual luminaries on earth right now who will attract the attention of heavens; not just men that the earth will be astounded at, but men who spirits would want to be identified with, because of their glory (or brightness). Spirits will want to be attached with such men because their glory as expressed in their thoughts and words will tell that they have received the dew of heaven.

The bosom of the Father is the dwelling place of the Father. The word “bosom” means resting place. The resting place of God is not anything physical. God dwells in Himself. God dwells in a resolve where no man can access. This resolve entails thoughts or lights, which no man can access. Thus, to say that God dwells in Himself means He dwells in His thoughts.

“Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.” (1 Timothy 6:16). God dwells in light or understanding or a thought pattern that no man can enter into. Thoughts can be used to see; thoughts are eyes. The giving of thoughts is the installation of eyes. The Lord’s instruction to us not to take thoughts of our natural needs means that we should not take wrong eyes (Matt.6:25).

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (James 1:17). Immortality is a ball consisting of thoughts that are woven by Deity. Everlasting thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Everlasting thought is life but there is something more than that life, it is Immortality (2 Tim. 1:10). Immortality is a puzzle that is unresolvable by any creature. Immortality was put together by God and there are things contained in it. God would be weakened if any man or creature unlawfully gets into and blast Immortality. Immortality is a secret; it is the core of God where Eternal Life flows from.

Those who dwell in the bosom of the Father are immortals (1 Tim. 6:16). Our Lord Jesus is referred to as the ‘only begotten’ or the ‘only potentate’. The word ‘only’ speaks of a realm. The gift to the world is not just the everlasting Son but the only Begotten Son (John 3:16). So whosoever rejects Him will not escape the lake of fire. Those who have arrived at the stature called ‘only’ are those who stay in the bosom of the Father. God demanded Abraham's ‘only’ son as a sacrifice, though he had Ishmael (Gen. 22:2). This is because God knew that Isaac stayed in a realm in the heart of Abraham where no one else stays.

There are things that God does not share with anyone, they are His ‘only’ things. The heavens to come belong to both to high christs and begotten sons, while only begotten sons dwell in the bosom of the Father. Jesus’ place in the world to come is not heaven because all the heavens bow to Him; they are under Him. Jesus dwells in an extra heaven, a heaven that controls all things. This extra heaven is called the bosom of the Father and Jesus is already in this realm.

There are some angels in these present heavens who God gave the things that control this present world. So there are various classes of materials of any creation: the subjective and control materials. It’s not everyone that God will give the control power of the world to come. In the world to come, a man can be made a partaker of things to come and be made a subject of some other men who would be put in control of that world.

God cannot put things in subjection to a man who does not have stature in the spirit. Certain angels have the manual for subjecting this present world. If we do not understand what these angels have and hold, we cannot be given our own things. A man must be ready to become an heir of salvation before he will be given control of the world to come (Heb. 2:1-3).






Tyson Avatar
Tyson - 1 year ago
Thankyou so much. May YAH continue to bless you.

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