X-raying the Secret of Overcoming the Dragon (LSC)

Programme: Lekki Soul Center (LSC)

Date: Wednesday, 21st February 2024




‭‭Revelation 1:1-3

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: [2] who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. [3] Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”


‭‭Revelation 22:6-19

“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. [18] For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: [19] and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”


Revelation 12:1-6 

“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: [2] And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. [3] And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. [4] And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. [5] And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. [6] And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”


Revelation 12:13-14 

“And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. [14] And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.”


The woman fled by the wings of a great eagle that was given to her (Rev. 12:14). Her place was not where she was first seen; she was seen in heaven but after the child was born, she returned to her place— the wilderness (Rev. 12:14). ‘A time’ as used in verse 14 means a year, ‘times’ means two years, while ‘half a time’ means six months. Verse 6 confirms this, it says that the woman should be fed for 1260 days, which is equivalent to three-and-a-half years.


‘Her place’ that God prepared for the woman is the place where she will be nourished. It means that in the spirit, before anyone will be nourished this way, a place must have been prepared. God prepared the place and because it was prepared, there must have been something about that place that the dragon could not get there. No area was safe for her except the place God prepared for her.


The utterance that came forth was saying “a sign” culminating into an understanding– a sign of the Son of Man. 


There was a place prepared of God for her; she would not be safe except she was taken back there. The word “fled” and the word “she was given wings of a great eagle” implies that the woman knew her place, but the wings were given to her by God to aid her so that she can arrive at the place prepared of God for her.


The purpose of the eagle’s wings is to enable the woman to escape the assault of the devil (dragon), as it sought to eat her up. Notice that the dragon could no longer fly because if it could fly, it would have leaped with the woman when she flew, because the dragon had the ability for flight. It means something was done to the wings of the dragon.


The first manifestation of this dragon on earth was as a serpent (that is, in the book of Genesis); but in the book of Revelation, he is a dragon. The being we are dealing with is a full blown developed serpent that has the ability for height, but when he first entered into our world, his first landing place was upon a tree that he planted. Satan could not have come through any other but the serpent–a small creature. The serpent became more subtle and through the serpent, man sinned. Then God cursed the serpent and limited it.


Genesis 3:14 

“And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life…”


The only animal that uses its belly to crawl is the serpent; no other animal does so. The Bible is correct; it is not an ordinary book – God limited the serpent. When God created animals to crawl the earth, He gave them hands to crawl with. It means the hands of the serpent disappeared because of the curse, and so, it had to crawl upon its belly. The serpent did crawl for a while; he did not engage immediately in flight out of earth to stay in the heavens. It took some time before he got to heaven; he was crawling.


Now God is saying that the serpent (the devil) will crawl again; so what he dreads is crawling. However, he would return again. He knew what he went through to be able to take off. Satan had an incursion into earth; however, as at the time he was tempting Adam and Eve, he did not yet have access as room had not been given to him. Being on earth at that time was illegal for him and he could have been easily driven away, but he had something in his hands to bargain for space and time. He offered Adam a gift for staying. He ought not to have lasted that long, Adam gave room to him. 


Adam should have commanded Satan to depart from earth, and he would obey. God instructed Adam to tend the garden (Gen. 2:15). The word ‘tend’ means ‘attend to it’, give it attention. It also means to guard it jealously, because ‘tend’ is the root word for ‘tender’. Adam was meant to handle the garden with care. But Adam, our father in the flesh whom we first bore his image, permitted Satan (the serpent) in the garden.


Satan has a right over the snake but his right can be halted and should have been brought to halt by Adam because the full power over all creatures was under Adam’s authority (Gen. 1:29). Now it means the fault was not altogether Eve’s. Adam saw the serpent misbehaving and had the authority to rebuke it but did not. The serpent crawled to the tree and kept pointing to the tree. Adam would have known that the serpent had been hijacked.


Animals do not have the will to resist spirits, so they can easily be overpowered. So it means Satan was behind the animal and was using it. Satan came into the garden underneath Adam’s feet. This means that he stooped low to conquer. He never came as a horse or lion because the lion will not properly convey the subtlety that Satan used in getting both Adam and Eve.


Spirits can enter into an animal to use it just like the serpent was taken. An evil spirit can use a dog. So one of Adam’s pets had trouble; the serpent was a pet, else, it would not be in the garden. Of all the pets including the lion, the serpent was probably the closest to man, and the woman probably liked it. Satan must have studied Adam and Eve; he knew the woman usually came around the snake. It is possible that the snake could talk. It is difficult to tell the true state of animals now because they have been cursed. For some animals, God shut down their ability to express themselves. 


Satan must have thought of the serpent as a fantastic animal to be able to convey temptation and allure. Imagine an animal saying, “hath God said…” (Gen. 3:1). Some people say it was an allegory. No! It was a proper serpent, if not for the curse, serpents today would have legs. God had to curse it and limit it. Even though the animal was cursed, it is still a very tricky and subtle animal.


The serpent was subtle but it was being used. Adam should have cautioned the serpent to behave normally. Adam owned the earth; he had more ownership over the serpent than Satan who was controlling it. Satan himself supervised the temptation, not spiritual wickedness or any other evil spirit. He needed a certain amount of pull to make sure man would fall. Eve ate the fruit of the tree after she had a sincere discussion with the serpent but Adam never had such a discussion with it. 


Adam took the fruit from his wife, not from the serpent. Adam was wiser than his wife because she was brought into the garden of Eden much later, so he had lived before her coming. The wisdom of covering and the anointing of the head was on him. As such, Adam should have taught and equipped Eve to a place where she could have discerned Satan to resist him. She transgressed because of deception and her husband watched her being deceived. 


The real story of the fall of man is in the Bible. Kenneth Copeland helped us to see it. He said Adam was with Eve because she simply turned and gave the fruit to him (Gen. 3:6). Adam ought to have rebuked the devil and commanded him to get out of Eden and the earth, and that would have been all. It was Adam God instructed concerning the tree, not the woman. However, they both ate of it and their eyes became open (Gen. 3:6-7).


The serpent began to plot its way up. In the beginning, Satan was a serpent, not a dragon. A serpent can not go up, only a dragon can. A dragon is a heavenly creature, a heavenly serpent. Satan has not left the earth. Yet, he has not been able to go into heaven since he fell into hell. He is the one called hell and death who rose from the bottomless pit to tempt man. On the account of temptation, he got the right of way to ascend. He saw an opening and decided to take advantage of it because there was a free-willed personality on earth, right above hell. He had the right of way to tempt.


Satan bargained with God from beneath. He argued on the grounds of man having his own will and God being a just God. God knew what He did in Adam. Because of this, people wrongly say God was at fault, but no, man actually was at fault. The serpent also sought permission from God to tempt and try Job who was not as powerful as Adam. The devil tried Job until he became tired of Job. 


Adam is our father and he should be spoken about with reverence. Adam is still in heaven with glory and we ought to honour him (Eph. 6:2). He should never be spoken against because he is our first dad. We all naturally came from him, being born in Jesus Christ. Jesus was called the last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45). Adam had all the diverse races of man in him. The meaning of Adam is “red soil”. He does not look like anyone on earth. 


A well known Hebrew name for Adam means ‘son of red earth’. Adama: earth from which Adam is to be formed.” Adam was purely “red earth”; he was not a white man, but he had the genes in him. He was a “many” man; (that is, many dimensions). Every man today is only one type of the men that is contained in Adam. However, Adam was a sum total of all the races in the world; he was a king.  


The devil has never exited out of the earth. Although he is in the air, he has not left the earth. Jesus’ coming made it worse for him. The devil has been seriously hindered. He could not go past the present earth after he became the devil. He never moved into the second heaven (he has been in the heaven of the present earth – the air).


Isaiah 14:12-13

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! [13] For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north…”


The heaven in Isaiah 14:12 is not the heaven where Lucifer used to be. Lucifer was already cut down to the ground. Right after the curse, he crawled out of Eden. The shape of the animal tells us about Satan’s position in his demeanour. This does not mean that Satan is currently crawling; he is actually walking. But in terms of authority and operations, he cannot do more than his posture is in the spirit. At that time, there was no nation on earth he could weaken. Satan’s desire was to ascend into heaven, but he was limited from that operation. This tells us that the heaven Satan was is the one where the dragon appeared in Revelation 12.


Revelation 12:3

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.”


Satan is in heaven – the heaven of the earth. That heaven is the world of the living soul. It is sad that many believers only use the Bible to get solutions to their earthly problems, and do not know what it contains. Satan ensures that we remain lazy about the Scripture and fervent in other things. The Church is ignorant of the Bible; we do not even know that the mysteries of the Bible are very relevant to our situations in life. We are oblivious of what we carry within, for the life we think is ours is not truly ours. Someone put a life in us for us to run his course, and that is to the detriment of everyone on earth. 


There are some who teach that Satan lived on the earth and that that was why the earth was without form and void (Gen. 1:2). Lucifer has no reason to live on the earth because it is not his terrain. Satan was not on earth, he was in heaven. Satan has lied to everyone about his origin and original habitation; he even lied that God cheated him. 


Ezekiel 28:14

“Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.”


This is the original estate of Satan. He was not earthly; he sinned and fell. Satan sinned on the holy mountain of Zion, not on earth. For the Church to be able to get sin out of herself, a lot needs to be done. The job just started when Jesus died on the cross, ascended, and purged our sins. That is the job the Godhead wants to accomplish. Until the Church returns to Zion and forms Zion colony, right on top of her is where sin would be dealt with. There, the Lord would also destroy the face of the covering cherub. It is when that is realised that we would be able to say we have complete freedom from the powers of death and darkness.


The heaven that is being discussed is still the heaven that is of the earth. Satan has not exited the earth. A dragon is a developed serpent or, in other words, a serpent of heaven. Everything Satan uses to fly was gotten from men; he took the wings of man. Those wings were purely Adam’s properties but Satan cut them off and wore them to fly. These are spiritual principles being discussed. This teaching is spiritual wisdom and we need to understand what wings mean in the spirit. 


Wings are instruments that flying creatures use to navigate heights; they propel and experience the law of lift through the wings. This means that something must have lifted Satan. One may wonder why Satan would need wings to fly since he is a spirit. Satan did not come to the earth as a spirit. Rather, he identified with a creature and, by being in the jacket of that creature, he limited himself. So when God cursed the serpent, He limited Satan from getting out of that frame.


God designed the earth, Adam, and all other creatures, including the serpent. God in His wisdom knew that Satan was going to possess the serpent. So that animal (the serpent) was a trap that God set for the devil and he fell for it. The devil wanted to attack God but God stopped him (Ps. 8:2). The dragon is an earth creature, while a serpent is an earth-heaven creature. As long as Satan is a dragon, he is still below the operation of man and that is why men can overcome him. God knew Satan’s ambition before they left Eden, so He put enmity between the seed of the woman and the serpent.


Genesis 3:14

“And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life…”


When sin entered into the world, it altered the form of creatures. Adam invited something bad into the earth. Today, the order of the wild is that predatory animals feed on other smaller animals, but that was not how God originally created them. That is the nature of fallen spirits finding expression through those animals. Those animals were originally built to eat straw or fruits, just as Adam fed on fruits. However, this does not mean we should eat fruits alone. If we do, the body will not function properly because it now needs meat. That body has left the glory and has changed. Man’s current body is not the same as what God created. 


This curse, “upon thy belly shalt thou go…” (Gen.. 3:14), was fulfilled in the physical reptile that the devil used. Because the devil was cursed, the Bible still refers to him as “that old serpent” (Rev. 20:2). “That old serpent” does not refer to that first serpent that Satan possessed, as that animal died after a while, and the soul of that animal has gone into the earth, for it was made out of dust (Eccl. 3:21). But the soul of man would ascend into the heavens.


However, Satan would not be seen in this manner. Although God knew Satan would go on and was aware of Satan’s ambition; God knew that no matter where Satan went, he would remain earthly. Because Satan confined himself into the form of a beast, God ensured that he remained so. God limited Satan with the words He said. 


Genesis 3:15

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”


Note that it is the seed of the woman, not that of the man, that will bruise the head of the serpent. Satan thought he could play God, but God said some key things by which He limited the devil and also proclaimed the future. God declared the freedom of man through that act. Our Lord Jesus Christ is not the seed of man, as He was birthed by a woman.


Galatians 4:4

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law…”


Anyone who is born of a woman is part and parcel of the earth. God sneaked His seed through a woman but Satan had no right of way into our earth as he came through a creature. The entrance into earth must be through a woman. Everyone on earth came from men through women; only Jesus came by a woman alone. It is our Lord Jesus that was made of a woman under the law. God did not only use a woman as a passageway for His Son, He also made sure that it was done at the fullness of time. 


Jesus would not have been sent except at the set time, called the fullness of time. Jesus had a time that was ripe for Him to come and it entailed a lot of things. God knew the indices to tell the time. When Jesus came, some beings were saying to Him that it was not yet time for them to vacate the earth. This tells us that there are indices spirits use in judging time. Those spirits knew Jesus would come and they also knew Him; they knew that a time had been set for their torment and that it would be done by Jesus (Matt. 8:29).


It has already been established that Isaiah 14 was not talking about the original story of Satan’s fall; rather, it is a prophecy about his end. It has to follow this method. God also said that it is necessary that man – who is the lowest creature – should bruise Satan’s head. Satan’s head was brought under the feet of man, and as a result, Satan will bruise man’s heel but man will bruise his head. 


Heel is the strength or the support for standing and walking. Satan wants to stop us from bruising his head. The dragon has not lost his mind but he is constricted within the body of a creature. He became a dragon by feeding on dust, that is, men. He kept feeding until he developed wings. He feeds when men obey him. Cain disobeyed God and obeyed sin (the serpent). He kept obeying sin, thereby making sin more powerful. 


So sin was not only in the earth; it also reigned. Sin became majestic as it subdued and brought things under subjection. Sin has been gaining dominion all the way from Genesis. That is what it means for sin to reign.


We see from the book of Genesis that sin was not only in the earth, it also reigned; sin became majestic, it subdued and brought things under subjection (Rom. 6:14). Sin has been gaining dominion, right from Genesis. Sin reigned unto death (Rom. 5:21). That death is more than physical death, even though physical death was a part of it. This shows how death passed upon all men. So, it is not just sin but death also. This means that death has been accepted as a way of life; therefore, it is reigning. This shows us ways that death can perpetuate over all men. 


Romans 5:12

that as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.


It is clear from this scripture that we do not have Eternal Life yet. Everlasting life first has to reign. Grace in that scripture is life everlasting and it must reign unto Eternal Life. When grace reigns to Eternal Life, we will overcome our enemies and become overcomers; but when Eternal Life reigns unto subjection, it is a different thing. It is one thing to overcome Satan and it is another to put him under subjection. Jesus overcame the devil but right now He is putting Satan under our feet. 


The things we partake of in the activities of wisdom and understanding are allowances. Our presence on earth, obedience to Jesus and walking in the light of His speaking gives Him a chance to reign; that is, gives Him room. No one can reign over an empty space. Our success in reigning is counted through men; that is, the extent to which the life of Jesus has prospered in men. If men refuse His life, then it means Satan is still having an upper hand. 


Many people cannot accept this message or manner of life because of dominion and subjectivity. Every quality obedience that men make is closely linked to the reign of Jesus. It adds to Jesus’ credit because the Father wants Him to reign until He has put all enemies under His feet (1 Cor. 15:25). This tells us that Jesus has a job to do— to put all enemies under His feet (us, the Church). If the whole earth were destroyed without accomplishing this, Satan will still be reigning. He is aware that men still have his life. Even when men are taken to heaven, he is aware of his ability to still tempt them. Heaven is not an escape place, rather God is. The life in God is the true escape for man. 


“Many” in the light of scripture, especially in the book of Romans is a reference to what Satan has done to give him the vote of reigning. As such, God is also looking for “many”. As many that would allow the Spirit to lead them adds to the quota of Jesus’ reign. Believers turning into the life of the spirit is as a result of someone who is reigning in heaven. Then it can be said that His reign is prospering and having an effect on men. For a man to be unperturbed and peaceful about other men getting defined as a result of the things they possess, Jesus has won over such a life.


Some people still rate life based on a person’s possession of natural achievements; that is the life that Satan set as the hallmark of a successful man and it is preached openly without knowing. Men trust in the benefit and success of that life more than the success of the gospel in the lives of people. People see ministrations that confront that kind of life as over-stretching the truth. We need to be stubborn towards the devil. When the world changed, Noah was “stubborn” as he found grace. Scripture records that eight souls were preserved and it must have been because Noah kept holding his household in preparation for the flood (1 Pet. 3:20).


For one to have a legal stand on earth such must be born of a woman. But Satan was not born of a woman, he came through a creature and till date he is still a serpent; he is an outlaw. Though an outlaw, he uses tricks. He found a space in the legal books in order to argue for his hold. Every person he deceived left with him. He got a hold of Cain and the sons of God, this caused God to quickly shut down the earth, while preserving Noah and his family from the fast rate of corruption. God saved Noah from corruption, not necessarily the flood.


‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬ ‭

“which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.”


The water was used to save the eight souls. God’s intention was to save; extract the eight souls so they can be the seed of man in order to reproduce mankind on earth. Satan intended for the whole of mankind to be destroyed but God brought water to save. The salvation of Noah is for our own benefit. People who do not exactly know God or themselves may conclude God as being wicked, without having an idea of the expiration of man. 


‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭5‬ ‭

“and spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly…”


This does not refer to Noah being of the eighth generation. However it means that the entire family having eight persons signified Noah. That numbering was a prophetic alignment. Noah poured out all his strength, he spread himself and as such he could be saved. Seeing his family was an encouragement to him. This means Noah had eight strengths.


Genesis 5:31-32

“And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died. [32] And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth.”


Genesis 5:28-29

“And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son: [29] And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed.”


When Noah came, there was no comfort. The comfort he brought was to destroy the earth; to take out the old world and bring about the new. Immediately Noah came out of the Ark, he offered sacrifices to God and God blessed the earth again (Gen. 8:20), then He vowed not to destroy the earth again with water.


Revelation 12:6

“And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”


God prepared the place for the woman. The first seed of the woman was our Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh. Jesus had to run that course, He opened it in the flesh when He was born. Jesus was the first to show the power of womanhood; that is, the covenant of God with the woman. This is the reason Satan in these last days is against women. Satan is afraid of the prophecy. Satan wants to redefine the word ‘woman’, and also aims to destroy anything called woman. These are characteristics of the end. All the assault of the transgender community is on the woman. It is aimed at removing womanhood. Men who are becoming women are aimed to replace natural women with a fake design, and that is not original. 


God removed a rib from Adam's side to create a woman.  If one is not removed from the rib of a man but goes to achieve becoming a woman through surgical means, such a one is seen as a fool. According to the Bible, a woman is not made by her body but her soul; then God designed a body around it. There can never be a biological mistake. God is very intentional, this was an ordination from the onset. Despite the curse that passed over all animals as a result of sin, they do not struggle with issues around reproduction. The division of gender as male and female was God establishing a fact on earth because it is His ordinance. The animals love their estate in their respective genders; to have it differently in men is an abuse on mankind and womanhood. 


Jesus laid that foundation with the way He came to earth and returned to heaven. Nothing will take Satan out except the seed of the woman. After Jesus’ ascension, God is now waiting for the seed of the woman that will bruise Satan's head completely and pull him down from the airspace he is currently occupying. This is why it is necessary that the corridor to power and the throne must be through a woman; it is going to be a “she”. 


The throne of God and God will not receive anything or permit anyone anywhere to sit on the throne, to bruise Satan, except such comes from a woman. With any other method, Satan would plead his legal rights. Therefore, it is necessary that a woman be raised to give birth to the Man-child after the spiritual order. In the case of Jesus, it was first of all a physical order, then Jesus showed and ended it on the cross. Satan killed Jesus but at resurrection, Jesus bruised his head completely and destroyed him. This shows us that the book of Revelation is not just about the woman, but the woman played a very important role in raising a seed for God who would bring down the enemy of God. Just as the prophecy earlier said, Jesus is raising people that would be born of the woman. 


Revelation 12:5-6

“And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. [6] And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”


One might wonder how a person can be born of a woman and be qualified to sit on the throne. In Revelation 12, we see that Satan was wrought with the woman twice. The first time, in verse 14, the dragon went after the woman but she was given wings of a great eagle; then the second time, in verse 17, the dragon was wrought with the woman again. This tells us that there is hatred in the dragon against women. Satan suggests women to leave their husbands; that is being wrought, Satan hates women. Satan gives some women boldness against men, He does not want them to be women, as God has designed them to be. The weakness of the woman scares Satan,, because it is an advantage for God. This weakness poses a great profit to God. The Bible describes the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit as being of great price in the sight of God (1 Pet. 3:4).


The woman’s posture: meekness, quiet spirit and the ability to submit to her husband should be a direct copy for those who would be women in the spirit. These kinds of women are called honourable women. Every believer is a woman in their soul; and one character of womanhood is that they do not contend with Jesus. Womanhood is a lesson for every soul on earth. Everyone should watch the woman and learn. Women have this endowment, it is a nature-gift. 


One may wonder, why the woman? It is because the woman is the last resort; she is the secret weapon. Man has been taken, a woman must not be taken because she is the last resort of God. God had to fall on the woman to bring redemption to earth, so she ought to be protected as she was the last to be brought to earth. This tells us how powerful a woman is. There are things in a woman that the man would not be. The completeness of a man is the woman. 


Women are too powerful. It is naturally easier for a woman to submit but difficult for a man to do so. Satan can easily tempt a man with the mind of being less of a man but the woman does not have the frame to react to being seen as less rather she is at home with it. The woman is very powerful; she can take care of the home, work, run a nation amongst many other things. The woman ought to be a mother, but a nation is gone when it has women that can steal like men. A woman ought to be soft and pitiful. She ought to be protective, having the ability to fight a demon. Men should not subdue their wives, rather they should allow them flow. Men should also be able to show weakness. A man that can hide in a woman would overcome the devil. This is a secret manner of doing things, otherwise such would be devoured by Satan. 


There are many things in the natural that can devour a man. A man ought to have wisdom. Wisdom kept the Man-child – a man agreed to be like a baby in a womb. That is the man that can sit on the throne. Such a man is the seed of a woman. A man must have the embellishment of a woman around him, he should come under the nature of a womb— a womb being. One who is like this can be trusted by heaven with the rod of iron. The Man-child found his way into the woman.


Revelation 12:17 

“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”


Here, the woman’s first born had left but there were some remaining. However, there is something peculiar about those children: the seed of the woman. It is not one man that is described as the remnant of her seed but they are many despite being called ‘seed’. The person that was caught up was also not one entity but many. However there was something the woman did not have — the testimony of Jesus Christ, so she was taken to the wilderness to be fed so she can now have the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The woman was to be fed for three-and-a-half years (Rev. 12:6) but the first son that was caught up had the testimony developed in him, while the last ones that were remaining were not in her. They were keeping commandments and could not make pace to get into the woman. In other words, there is a season when the commandments reach a point to make one a child of the womb. It is a season when one is fit for the womb. ‘The remnant of her seed’ were still kids so they were outside; but the first ones had obeyed until they entered into the womb of the woman, they hid themselves there and obeyed every law of birth. God finished with them in the womb. They overcame Satan in the womb. This means that when they would be born and when they would overcome Satan, they would not know; rather they would obey every law of birth.


This is how every child would be born. God needs to put the children to sleep because they are going into Eternal Life. There ought to be some death. Every naturally born child needs to take a fresh breath, the lungs ought to be open. In the natural, a child in the womb depends on the placenta of the woman to live and survive because there is a cord. 


The same law applies in the spirit. At birth, the womb-child would be disengaged; that is, be caught up to God and to His throne — this is how the Man-child is made. They would come to a point where they would be unaware of things anymore; they would lose some senses because one cannot just exit into Eternal Life, which is a very terrible (great) height. It is an emergence of a creature into the world of the Creator fully. The woman is a lesson, and this is why the Bible warns men to give women honour as unto a weaker vessel (1 Pet. 3:7), because God gives honour to a weaker vessel


1 Peter 3:7

“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”


The word ‘weaker vessel’ entails a lot. There is a lot about weakness that a man does not know about and needs to learn, and as such should not despise it when he sees it. Also, women should not despise who they are and should not allow Satan to lift their hearts against the beautiful things concerning them, because in weakness lies the greatest strength. Inside of a woman also lies the secret strength of resurrection; otherwise God would not say one has to go through the womb before such can sit on the throne.


For it to have an effect on Satan, he has to see that it is the seed of the woman that would bruise his head (Gen. 3:15). This is the reason he came around to devour the Man-child as soon as the child was born but he could not because the child was caught up to God (Rev. 12:4-5). Satan was watching the womb, but as long as the child is in the womb, Satan would not devour the child. All that Satan is waiting for is for the child to be born. But as long as the child is in the womb, Satan cannot touch it. The womb is the place God prepared for the child’s preservation.


There are certain laws that can keep one away from Satan. The fold of a baby in the womb, and when he sleeps depicts the scripture that says, “We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” (1 Jn. 5:18). There are laws of humility and meekness. The reason God wants men to marry is for them to be meek and not for control. Anyone who uses it for control is breaking the law. Sometimes a man ought to yield ground to his wife; such a man can keep the home and is a good man. If Abraham was not meek, he would not have been blessed. He married his wife’s maid at her word; and when he struggled to put her away at her word, God had to tell him to obey his wife (Gen. 21:11-12)


Men should get to a point where they yield when their wives speak. This is not with the intent of having women to rule the men but submitting to her opinion with the mind of submitting one to another (Eph. 5:21).




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