Accessing the Government of God's Throne (WTV)

Programme: Writing the Vision (July Edition)

Date: Saturday, 20th July, 2024


Transcript Summary 


1. Jesus is special, hallowed and mighty. We currently only have a glimpse of His person; this is because He is bigger than us and His world is vast. The world where Jesus is known is so mighty; He is a person of great heavenly reverence. Jesus is adored in a world more sophisticated than this present world. Satan is the god of this present world (2 Cor. 4:4) but this world is low. It will take the opening of our eyes to realise this and see that Jesus is great. We are in the season of Jesus. Jesus is our hope and the answer to everything; He is the house that we are to become.


2. Jesus is going to establish His government. That was the reason He was born and given to mankind. It is for the sake of His government that there should be an establishment. The names attributed to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 appear to be everlasting names than eternal names. He is wonderful as an Everlasting Being. Scriptures said the sons that are given to Him are for signs and wonder (Isa. 8:18). Anyone who has entered into the realm of glory has entered into wonder; such a one has entered into a sign.


3. The purification of Joshua in Zechariah 3 precedes the making of the high priest; it is like the sufferings of Christ. It is the purification of the visitation from the High Priest to purify a man as gold and silver. This purification is one that is for a type of Christ. The sons of the Kingdom are purified for the sake of the covenant. There is a purification that is necessary before the covenant.


4. The work of the Holy Ghost is to bring those who are born again into the court, then into the Holy Place, and wait with them until the High Priest appears. The fullness of the Holy Ghost is when the people of God are baptized with all the manifestation of the menorah. This is why the menorah is in the Sanctuary. The menorah represents the seven Spirits of Christ or of the Lord (Isa. 11:2-3); these are the seven Spirits of sanctification. This proves that it is the Holy Ghost that sanctifies.


5. The Holy Ghost is the tool of sanctification. The Holy Ghost got us born again; He led us out of Egypt, trained us, brought us into the court of the Lord until we came into the inner court that is closer to the Holy Place and further into the Sanctuary. These processes are the baptisms of the Holy Ghost. What happened on the day of Pentecost began the baptism of the Holy Ghost, but the process should end in the Sanctuary (Holy Place).


6. When the Holy Ghost has completed His baptism of a sheep, He will hand the sheep over to the High Priest so that they will be made the sheep of God’s pasture (Ps. 100:3). The Holy Ghost will prove, help and build one to a place where such will have lamps burning, just like the ten virgins (Matt. 25:1-13). The lamp here is the light and not the lantern. When one gets to that place, heaven has put off the light of the sun and moon and such a person can only see through one light.


7. The ten virgins are matured saints and not many Christians have attained their status yet (Matt. 25:1-13). They journeyed to the night, not the physical night but a point where human light could not be used. Some have journeyed to the place where the light of this world concerning living no longer exists, and such would be able to take the light the Holy Ghost can give. That light is an offering made by fire that will call the High Priest, who will come with the fullness of burning.


8. The light that the people are using to see in the Sanctuary is the light of the Holy Ghost, not the light of men. We should keep our light burning. Sons of the sanctuary have a burning light for living. The sanctuary life is represented on earth for their physical life; it is how they live and their discipline. One cannot claim to be in the Sanctuary and live waywardly. The seven lights that are burning on the menorah and causing the priest to function in the Sanctuary is what is on their lamp.


9. The lamp and fire are a fruit; they are an eye by which they live. These people have gotten life and gone further to attain peace. This is why they gathered and slept in the night (Matt. 25:5). To sleep in the night is to sleep in the Sanctuary, for the Sanctuary is meant for sleep. After serving God, one needs to sleep in the Sanctuary and when we awake, we wake up in His likeness (Psa. 17:15). This is how the character of crossing the veil is. When one reaches the veil, one has reached the end of his walk and then should rest. To fall asleep is to rest, then God comes to wake one up. 


10. We are sinners in this country, but Jesus has come for us. Thus, Nigerians should look beyond the natural because Jesus has done so much for Nigeria. It is high time we look up to Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2). Nigeria has a future beyond what any government of the earth can give; it is the future Jesus has given to this nation. As such, we should not listen to people who say that churches in this nation have failed. The churches in Nigeria will come out strong, unblameable, unrebukable, without spot and wrinkle, and they will travel throughout the earth.


11. The garments in Zechariah 3:2-5 are resemblances or likenesses. Those garments are what made Satan resist Joshua from ascending spiritually. Joshua was not prospering even though he was caught up to the Most Holy. Satan was resisting him and standing against him at his right hand. There was a way Joshua as the high priest ought to have looked but he appeared filthy. However, God knew that the filthy appearance was not really Joshua but a covering. As such, God asked that he be given a change of raiment. To change one’s raiment is to give the person inward glory.


12. One who is in the Most Holy has become a wonder. Everlasting life is a life to wonder at. Joshua was not yet wondrous but was making progress to becoming a wonder. Jesus is a wonder to our souls. A soul that can see Jesus will see that He is a wonder. Everlasting life is wondrous; it is a wonderful nature. Sign is what precedes wonder; they are pointers to wonder. A sign is not the core focus but is only an announcement for the reality of what is being waited for.


13. The woman who conceived in the Revelation 12 is a sign because she conceived a wonderful child. It was the child that made the woman a wonder. Wonders are actually attributes of the Most Holy Place. Jesus has promised that He will not only make us signs but even wonders to Him.


14. “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.” (Isa. 9:7). Jesus does not just rule but gives peace. This peace is an everlasting peace. He will govern until He brings His people to peace, at which point the people will agree with Him. There is an intent behind governance or ruling. What we are encountering is the manifestation of Jesus’ throne and the reason for it is for people to experience His throne. You cannot find Jesus outside His throne. 


15. “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: [33] And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.” (Luke 1:31-33). The Lord is not perturbed about the darkness that has taken over the earth. Although this was prophesied over two thousand years ago, it is still too short a time for God to fulfill this prophecy. This is because in God’s eyes, two thousand years can be as two days. God does not think like men; He is not weak. God wants the devil to show forth all that is inside him and expire it. Inspite of the length of time God has given him, he has not succeeded. This is because the dominion he wants to prevail against is so much stronger than him.


16. David’s throne was promised to His son (Jesus, who was a descendant of David - Psa. 132:11). God did this to cascade down His throne to men, and this made sure that a man can sit on His throne, through David. Even when we have not met up with the terms and conditions of the promise, God will push us to the point of getting it.


17. David’s throne became everlasting because he moved governance through God’s kind of governance, not the human kind. However, David did not sit on that throne, he only fought that the promise of the throne be given to his house. For several years, no person sat on that throne until a time when the physical throne was no more in Israel (when Jesus came to the earth). When we really see David’s throne, we will see that there is no seat of power here on earth that matches a throne. This was why Jesus did not want to have any physical throne.


18. The throne of God is both an everlasting seat and an eternal seat. One of these thrones saves (everlasting), while the other glorifies or gives eternal glory. The beginning of the government is everlasting life. No one can sit on God’s throne until he has been raised to give life.  That throne is not like any other throne and sitting on it demands that one’s life will be shed. Therefore, the throne is not for anyone who vaunts himself. Rather, it is for the meek and lowly.


19. Jesus is meek because He learnt meekness from the Father. God is so meek that He cannot stand the proud. He gives grace to those who are coming to His throne because it is a gracious throne. The closer we get to the throne, the more humble we become because it is a throne of life. When God is giving us the throne, He is giving dominion. When He is making us to sit on the throne, He is the authority of life.


20. It is only a shepherd that can sit on the throne of God. One must first be a shepherd before he can become a king. A shepherd must not consider himself first; rather, he must lay down himself for the sheep. The duty of every shepherd is the giving of life. The concept of a shepherd is not just about one leading a flock, for there is a mystery behind it. The sheep is the destiny of the shepherd. This is why God will raise shepherds who are holy and pure. The only person who has a destiny that is exempted from all lies and inaccuracies is Jesus and He got it from God.


21. (Acts 20:28). Ministers do not own the flock, for the flock were purchased and are owned by Jesus. A true minister is known by his fear for the flock. Thus, ministry should not be an ambition. Although ambition is not bad, it should be tempered with holiness and caution. God’s heritage is the flock because the flock is what He wants to inherit. God wants to inherit us just as He wants us to inherit Him. God wants to transfer Himself into the souls of flock. The order is for the soul to gain the path that leads unto the Lord. Jesus should be able to walk through the path of every soul and it thereby.


22. (2 Corinthians 6:16). God wants to be our God and we, His people. It is at this point that He would have saved us. When God has established His throne in a soul, it means Jesus is seated in that person. There is an ambition in our God towards every flock. Every flock is very important because it is only God that knows how to use the flock. Satan wastes by using a soul because he is a creature (an angel) but the Creator makes souls beautiful.


23. What is flowing from Satan is a government; it is the spirit of this world. What is making men serve the devil is a flow of lies/deceit. Satan has held people under his governance by lies, but a time will come very soon when Jesus will visit His people with life. This is the visitation of a throne.


24. God said, “All souls are mine” (Ezk 18:4). Therefore, ministers have to be faithful. They will be given a crown of life for that which they do. Ministers should also not be blamed when they are being protective of souls because they are protecting them from harm. Ministers who are in love with Jesus will not want souls to be cheated. A minister should feel pain when a soul is getting lost. 


25. Although the earth will pass away, souls will remain: both the living but the dead. The dead will see Him as He will open His face and they will be judged by books. The pain of every soul that will end up in hell is realising that they will never know how God looks like. Such souls will then see that they have been deceived. They will wail,  gnash their teeth in pain but nothing can be done as they will be thrown into lake.


26. We should not be people who look for signs and our belief should not be by sight. Blessed are those who believe without seeing. We cannot get Eternal Life by physical sight but by faith. Every life comes by faith.


Kate Richard Avatar
Kate Richard - 3 weeks ago
This is so much Blessing. Thank you Jesus

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