Fatherly Counsel on Marriage and Godly Relationship ( SOS)

School of the Spirit (13th May, 2021)

Topic: Fatherly Counsel on Marriage and Godly Relationship

Ministering: Reverend Kayode Oyegoke


Sex between a man and a woman should not be practiced outside marriage. Concerning sins like fornication, the Bible says that it is better for a man to be married than to burn (1 Cor. 7:9). When Satan wants to destroy a man's body, he sets it on fire. Therefore, we must desist from fornication. We do not know what kind of fire of fornication may be burning in men. Vices like smoking may not be as destructive as fornication. However, anything can destroy the body when in excessive amounts.

The acts of homosexuality do something to the body that humans are yet to realize. Men can pick up strange fires and keep them in their bodies for decades. The fire of fornication is so powerful that it can enter into the genes of the body and soul, and be passed on to a man's offspring. When people fornicate, they exchange communications and fire is transferred.

Even when you are not committing fornication physically, do not communicate such thoughts with someone who is not your spouse because fire can also be transferred in this manner. Do not exchange emotions with someone who is not your spouse. It will take the teaching of the resurrection of the dead to remove fornication from us completely and we would need to resist it until we meet with everlasting life.

Do not move too close to a person when there is no definite reason for the relationship. This is because intimacy might develop and cause you to fall in love with someone who is not your spouse. Intimacy is not enough reason for marriage. It takes more than your body and soul to determine who you are going to live the rest of your life with. A soul that has not yet been redeemed does not have lasting judgement. There is a lot of information about the person you might be intimate with that you do not know. The Holy Ghost knows everyone and their destinies; He would have to look for someone you can key with in this journey, and who will not be a burden to you. When you want to choose a life partner, check your spirit.

The love between a man and a woman is nice but it is not the gift of the spirit; it is the character of the soul. You can train your soul to be free and unafraid of who God will choose for you. You can fall in love with someone that is your spirit’s choice but not your soul’s choice. It takes a soul that is submissive to God to allow this.

It is almost certain that Jacob's real wife was supposed to be Leah and not Rachel. However, Rachel was Jacobs soul design. He wanted to marry a beautiful wife like his father (Isaac) and grandfather (Abraham) did. That definition of beauty is not Edenic; it started from Genesis 6. It is in Genesis 6 that it was first mentioned that women were fair. However, there is no woman on earth that is not beautiful. The world parades the definition of beauty based on physical features. Beauty pageantry is a Satanic standard; it is not of God. God will not call a woman ugly, irrespective of her shape and size. Every woman was created beautifully by God.

For sisters who have the attributes of the ladies who are revered on earth, do not let that puff you up. This wisdom will help you. A large percentage of men will be attracted to you because you have that external beauty, however, there is more to a woman than her outward body; there is a lot that lies beneath the external. If a brother compliments your beauty, appreciate it, but do not let that word lift you out of your base; do not be too light. After some years into marriage, all those external features will wane.

Marriage is older than the church; it is four thousand years older than the church. Some unbelievers have more wisdom about marriage compared to some believers. If marriage is scattered, humanity is gone. The Bible is about marriage.

What makes a woman beautiful is her meek and quiet spirit, for it is an ornament in the spirit. Whatever physical beauty a woman may think she has, there are yet unborn women who will surpass it. So also, what makes a man is not his height or his physique, rather, it is the content within him. These things are our pride. We should therefore not be fooled by how we look outwardly.

Our hearts should be tuned in such a way that it is not attached to any physique. Rather, they should be trained on everlasting life. We should be sincere to the Lord concerning our preferences, but we should also be open to accepting who He chooses for us. You may think height matters until you grow more spiritually. It is these vain desires that cause us to make costly decisions.

Fornication not only weakens the cells of the body but also the soul. That's why he that commits adultery destroys his own soul (Prov. 6:32). We should not commit adultery; it should not be once named among us. It is a direct assault to our building. The thought of fornication is the fire of fornication. We should therefore cut it off.

Many civilised nations set kids on fire and teach them to explore that fire. Sexual passion is fire and you need guidelines for it. You need barricades to contain that fire because sexual fire should burn well. Fire is useful. The fire that will incinerate a whole house is the same fire that will light and warm it up. Sex is a fire of the soul; it is a passion of fire that is meant to fuse a husband and wife. It is not a 'handshake' for friendship; it is an exchange of power. It is the move of souls and the transference of persons. If a man commits fornication with a harlot, he is joined to her (1 Cor. 6:16). This means that sex can weld two people.

The context of marriage is the guard around this fire; it curtails, directs and instructs it. We can use fire to feed everyone in the house. However, if the fire is left open, it can be destructive: it can destroy everything and everyone in a house. When you get to a marriageable age, begin to prepare yourself for your spouse. Your body is holy; you are supposed to be chaste. Do not get into an emotional game because it will progress to other physical sexual acts. Rather, you should grow stronger than that.

If you are being pressured to go into a relationship, the only answer is to shut down your mind and follow God. You will not lack a spouse in this company. Therefore, use this time of singleness to learn. Use your fire for God; burn your energy for Him. If you use your fire for God, there will not be fire left for other things. Burn holily! You are supposed to be a seraphim for God; therefore, you should burn for Him. The Lord will grant you grace.


Adekuoroye Racheal Avatar
Adekuoroye Racheal - 2 years ago
Wow... Thank you so much Daddy

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