Focusing on Things Heavenly (WTV)

Programme: Writing The Vision (July Edition)

Date: Saturday, 20th July, 2024



                         Transcript Summary


1. We are in a season of experiencing the tangibility of what we have been hearing. It is a season of entrance into the reality of the life of God – a season where God is coming to comfort those who have been following Him.


2. We became a lamb after we got born again, but that lamb is not the Lamb of God that Jesus Christ became after resurrection. The lamb we became is one that is a baby and carnal. What is responsible for the transition from being a lamb to becoming a sheep is feeding.


3. What a baby can take is the milk of the word. Milk raises a baby into a child (1 Cor. 3:1-2). Eating is not just hearing; eating is doing. The Holy Ghost is the one in charge of the allocation of milk, and He places demands on one as a baby. When these demands are done, one would grow to become a child.


4. “Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.” (Acts 6:3). What a man will produce when he yields to the demands of the allocations of the Holy Ghost are ‘honest report’, ‘full of faith’, and ‘full of wisdom’.


5. There is a level of wisdom that the Holy Ghost communicates to one at the level of milk. This wisdom would make one know what to do and what not to do. It means there are some kinds of separations that milk also brings to a believer.


6. The average expectation of a believer who is exposed to milk and obedient to the demands of the allocation of milk is to pick the voice of one's spirit and that of the Holy Ghost. All you need to do is to read your Bible, pray very well, obey what you know as a demand, and you will see your spirit being developed.


7. Some of us stopped hearing the voice of the Holy Ghost because we do not cooperate with the little instructions He gives. It is not just hearing teachings or doctrine that builds you; it is the doing of the demands of the teaching or doctrine.


8. “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints…” (Eph. 1:18). When the eyes of your understanding is enlightened, it should do something in your heart; it should do something about your pursuit and appetite. One’s appetite tells what one is passionate about. 


9. After you have been converted from being a baby to a child, you begin to have understanding. In the opening of your eyes, which is the learning of Christ, your gaze is taken away from the ephemeral to that which is invisible. You begin to hope for the invisible because you need to see a better hope for you to despise the world.


10. God introduced sacrifice to the children of Adam in the beginning to help them escape the death that was looming over them. Sacrifice is obedience to His demands. That sacrifice might look like your life is being taken, but it is for you to escape from the law of sin and death.


11. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Rom. 8:1). Walking after the Spirit is an escape from the dominion of the law of sin and death. A man who is free from the law of sin and death is a man that can hear the voice of heavens which the High Priest brings.


12. The High Priest brings heavens to a sheep that has concluded his course in the Sanctuary. It is such a sheep that the High Priest called “My brethren” (Heb. 2:12). They are His brethren because they have been sanctified by obedience. Jesus taught them truth at a level, and they obeyed it.


13. If a man is not doing what he knows, his conversation (manner of life) can be too low compared to the height of knowledge he has received. We should match the things we are hearing with the conversations we have. Change has come to a man who has conversations, having heard and obeyed what he has heard (James 1:22). 


14. When a man is to be changed, his thoughts are changed. From those thoughts, you begin to see how the Lord is really like. Jesus’ thoughts are His commandments. Knowing Him is knowing the laws that are operational inside Him. This knowledge is not a knowledge of precepts; it is knowledge of encountering a Person. There's no way you will know His laws and His Person would not be known.


15. Jesus moved around the disciples to form a nature in them. What the apostles learnt from the Lord is meekness, and as such, they were able to sustain the work. That is why there was no competition amongst them. The solution to competition is meekness.


16. The Lord is coming close and wants us to get Him, but the devil is also coming close. Nothing must matter to us other than to finish this course, so we must be prepared to die (by obedience). The reward of this death is that we would lay hold on the inheritance.


17. Someone is all out to take inheritance from men. He dangles the corruptible and uses it to call men. The distraction is with the ephemeral, but we must focus. We must focus on that which is not seen but is real (2 Corin. 4:18). You can get to a place to hear heaven and Satan will call you back. Do not allow yourself to be called back to where you have left. We must focus! 


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