The Attitude of Carrying the Seeds of God’s Life (SOS)

Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)


Programme: School of the Spirit (SOS)


Date: Thursday, 8th September, 2022




The Bible tells us to seek first the kingdom (Matt. 6:33), and the kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy (Rom. 14:17). Somehow, the seven churches came short of everlasting life and probably not all of them ended up inheriting everlasting life. If that could happen in the season of everlasting life, the Lord, out of a desire to avert it, is helping our ears. We should pray that the Lord anoint our ears and awaken them morning by morning, so that we would be able to comprehend this life better (Isa. 50:4).


There is an attitude that is required for carrying the seed of the sower, which is the word of faith; and we should trust the Lord for help to have such an attitude. There is a count of life that is being measured by the amount of the word of Christ that is in us (Col. 3:16). The proof that that word dwells richly in one is if such a soul expresses the conversation that is described in Colossians 3.


It takes help from the Lord for one to give the right attitude to every seed that is sown in the heart. Hence, we are admonished to be renewed in the spirit of our minds (Eph. 4:23). This speaks of how the law that runs our minds and limits it from giving the right attitude to the word of Christ would be replaced by another law. The Lord has begun a good work in us and that good work is traceable to the seed of the sower, which is meant to make the heart good (Philp. 1:5-6).


In the sight of God, ‘good’ is defined as the person of Christ. The entire present world, with all its activities, excitement and glories, has nothing good in it. The rich young ruler who called Jesus good, might have seen something in Him that warranted that perception; but Jesus was careful not to receive that praise, rather He hid Himself. He chose to hide because He was meant to promote another definition of good, which is referred to as ‘good tidings of good’ in Isaiah 52:7. Every one of us is carrying portions of that good seed that is constituted in Christ, not necessarily all.


Jesus said to one of the churches in Revelations, the church of Ephesus, that He would remove their candlestick (Rev. 2:5). What trims the candlestick is the skillful dispensing of the word of righteousness. The oil of that word is what makes the candlestick burn brighter and brighter. This tells us that even in the season of the Most Holy, a believer who did not fall short of Christ in previous seasons, could come into another season when he is relating with most holy things and then fall short of a Christ that he did not formerly fall short of. This is what Jesus meant by the statement, “I will remove your candlestick” (Rev. 2:5). We must always relate with both tidings with an attitude of trembling and fear (1Cor. 10:12). This attitude of trembling and fear also takes place in the season of Christ.


In Ephesians 6:5, Paul breaks down the seed of the sower, which is the words of Christ, that was meant to dwell richly in them. When the word dwells richly, they will keep faith till the end of the commandment of faith and gain a pure heart and good conscience (1 Tim. 1:5). The conscience will notify the saint when he is walking against the law of charity. Just as we need the principles of milk to do well in any realm, we also need the principles of Christ to do well in the allocations of strong meat. Therefore, whatever is limiting a believer from acquiring the full age of Christ has to be dealt with.


Our imperfections will limit our rapport with everlasting life. A believer who has arrived at full age is one who has become without spot, wrinkle or blemish. These three are what the world uses to spot or limit our sacrifice from being acceptable unto God. Therefore, a time should come when a believer should be holy and without blemish (Eph. 5:27). The light of Christ guarantees this possibility.


The Lord Almighty has a secret (Psa. 25:14). This secret is coming from a higher commandment but it would be given to those who have traded and profited with the secrets of Christ. Christ is a secret and what it does is to weaponize the mind against the world. In the season of the most holy, the god of this world comes against the saint through spiritually wicked spirits who will keep trying us, even in areas we seem to have overcome. This is because in the season of the Most Holy, one may get weary even in areas we had previously overcome by faith.


John wrote to beloved sons, whose sins had been remitted, to not love the world (1John 2:15). This means that there is a possibility for them to sin. These men may have kept the commandments of faith, and used its light in relating with their spouses, brothers, colleagues, in a season, and then come to the most holy. Even after coming to the season of the most holy, they still needed to hold the mystery of faith.


The revelation of Christ is the revelation of the commandment that would always deal with the world at whatever level it shows up. Christ is like an operating system that must continue to run until the mind is completely weaponized against the world. This is so necessary because if that is not done, the believer can come short of something of the world which he had previously overcome by faith, and thereby love something that he previously despised.


The presence of fear and trembling in the heart is the evidence that a soul has the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. One who has the full age of Christ is well equipped as an elect of God (Col. 3:10,12). Christ is holy, beloved and without blemish. When we are without blemish, the Father can relate with us as beloved. God will then be able to trust our souls, not only to keep the commandment given to us, but to also keep it if granted access into the most holy.


We cannot have the mind of Christ simply by dealing with faith, hope and charity, because in the season of charity, we still see darkly. While we may with that light win the warfares that come from the world, we are limited in discerning warfares that come from spirits that are higher than the princes of this world. Thus, many of the teachings of everlasting life are to help many perfect their Christ walk and acquire the full age of Christ.


The world would always come against our minds (Heb. 12:3). This is why our minds must be weaponized and always be alert to bring down any attack of the enemy. The mind of Christ must always be in constant supply of something higher. The siege of evil spirits around our minds is often a reaction from them whenever we are living by revelation. And in some seasons, these are reactions from the rulers of the darkness of this world, because they know that their days are numbered and that we are beginning to claim back our heavens from them.


We must keep experiencing an increase in grace, even in our natural affairs, to attend to some onslaught of darkness that would give the devil a ground to bring blame upon us. If a saint withholds his worldly goods from the brethren, Satan would blame him and would have a ground for accusation in the realm of the spirit (1John 3:17). We must also trust the Lord for an increase in grace as touching our natural endeavours, because of responsibility in the spirit. The Lord wants to raise us as fathers and fathers have many children. The Hebrew church overcame this in the season of Christ (Heb. 10:34), yet Paul said there is still the possibility of them becoming weary in their minds (Heb. 12:3). If they are not careful, those worldly goods that meant nothing to them in the season of Christ, may now mean something to them in the season of everlasting life, if they are unguarded.


The way to keep commandment is to delight in it, which is possible when the heart comes into a state where the commandment is not grievous. The Lord gives us commandments because what He is commanding us about is not yet a nature in us. A time would come when a commandment would have fulfilled its course, and the saint would have inherited the life of it; then, such a one gains mastery of it and can skillfully use it.


When using the light of everlasting life - Urim and Thummim - to judge, we must be careful to still excel in Christ's commandments; because one cannot claim to be living by a higher light when such falls short in conversations that require a lower light. Hence, we need to be more jealous of our Christ formation. Paul desired to be ultimately found in Jesus because it is possible to be found in Him at one season, and not be found in Him at another season (Philp. 3:8-9).


God wants a hundred-fold fruitfulness of Christ from us. Such a level of fruitfulness embosses a law upon the mind. When we transgress against that law or we seem to come short of it, the law embedded within the soul will flag and withhold the peace within. When we find ourselves in a state where we seem to have lost peace, it is because we have breached a law in our minds. In such a situation, we should trust the Lord, through prayers (especially in the spirit), to discover where we missed it and repent. Paul, at this stage of his journey with the Lord, still prayed to be found in Christ, not having his own righteousness (Phil. 3:9). This tells us that our own righteousness, which we once gloried in, can become a thing of pride.


It is illegal for flesh to glory in presence. Flesh typifies anything outside Christ and the Father. Hence, a believer must learn to hide because an aspect of him that is not Christ can want to glory in the season of presence, when one is handling the light of the most holy. Our Lord Jesus made sure He sought to always reveal the Father in every conversation, otherwise, He would draw men to Himself, and by so doing, glory falsely. That way, Satan would have faulted His sacrifice as being unacceptable for the sin of the world.


There is an attitude of carrying the seed of the Sower, which is the word of Christ. Although, we are carrying it in a measure now, not all of that word has been gathered by us. We need the entire word to ignite a passion that is superior to the passions of the world. Satan can come against the seed that is planted in us through men. Men who are not given to the word of righteousness, which is the word of truth, are potential servants of the devil, through which he may seek to come at us. Hence, we must be watchful in the spirit and guard our hearts with all diligence. We ought not to carelessly entertain discussions with them, because they can bring you into the flesh and defile you.


‘Humbleness of mind’ typifies the mind of Christ. This mind is a weight to the flesh and it enables one to prosper with the word of Christ. When the word of Christ dwells richly in us, it would displace every weight of this world that would easily beset us from running the race as we ought. We are to forbear one another, not grudgingly or with murmuring (Col. 3:13). When we use Christ, we would not murmur because Christ is a power and we would know that through that conversation we would fetch a life we previously did not have. It is through forgiving others, especially in times of betrayal, that our sins would be forgiven.


So when Satan hits us using the betrayal of someone close, we should not relent, but hit back at him by seeking out a commandment to do. Hence, we must be committed to scriptures; because in such situations, we would need the help of the Holy Ghost and He makes use of the scriptures we have hidden in our hearts to guide and govern us. We go through difficulties everyday and often fail to overcome spirits because we are unable to fetch the life we should have fetched from obeying the commandment of God. Every commandment would give us life and also help us disown a kind of life.


There is a configuration that would be fashioned into a soul during the waiting period between when it has carried the seed of Christ to full term and before it begins to carry the incorruptible seed - godly sorrow. Godly sorrow works out a change in the soul, to save it from a state it previously was before it began using the light of life and peace (2Cor. 7:10). Thus, there is a count of obedience and conversations that would bring the saint to the status of a godly man. One cannot be a godly man unless he is first shown what the world robbed him of. The world leaves the soul without the formation of the new man.


When we use the knowledge of Christ, it would reprogramme our minds. The things we allow in our minds would go on to affect our hearts. We allow the wrong things to get to our heart because we first allow them in our minds when we are caught unawares. Whenever the peace in our hearts is tampered with, it indicates that we have allowed and entertained wrong thoughts. It is at such times that we ought to take an audit to find out what thoughts we allowed.


We are battle weary because we entertain wrong thoughts, such as thoughts for tomorrow. Thoughts for legitimate things can give a platform for Satan to come in and rob many of life. We must isolate these wrong thoughts because they are cancerous and, if unchecked, can bring in other thoughts. These thoughts would make one murmur and could lead us to speak ill of authority and other things that can spring up. Just like David who became weary because of the prosperity of the wicked until he received understanding (Psa. 73:2-3, 17).


It is good to rely on counsel from those who have higher light. Pastors are God's provision to us. A counsel from the everlasting light would be more effective than the height of Christ. So, as followers, we should leverage on the access to higher light that those who are ahead of us have. We must seek counsel from them lest a higher spirit should floor us (Prov. 24:6).


A godly man is a man that has been saved from the world. When he has full age, he has victory over the world. The godly man can carry the everlasting seed because he has carried the seed of Christ to term. We need to respond to the world militantly every time the world shows up. Only then would our hearts be kept in the state of peace and would we be able to hear the Father's voice. The instructions of everlasting righteousness are more delicate. We need a good measure of peace to profit with the Father's voice.


We need something called a new mind to be able to relate with the Father. It is with a new mind that we are actually sons and daughters and the saying of the Lord would mean to us what it is meant to mean. Thus, we will be able to milk out the commandments to do them. We must develop the habits of seeking out commandments from the word. If we do this, many of the dealings we go through will beat our mind to the point where it would be fully recovered. The Father cannot instruct one who does not have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16). The spirit of our mind must be renewed to relate with the Father and that is the mind that can relate with things everlasting.


God wants to raise our antenna in the Spirit but we must first have a peaceable mind that can receive. Our minds must be set apart for the Holy Ghost. If we are watchful in the spirit, the Holy Ghost would prompt us concerning people that are going through downtimes. But we are often too busy in our minds with external factors. Paul had to travail again so that Christ formation could be perfected in the church (Gal. 4:19); and all of this is because of the mind. Battles are won or lost in the mind. Even when a measure of life is present in the heart, it can be lost if one is careless in the mind.


We must possess a good ground and seek to carry the seed of the Sower to term. It is when we carry the seed to term that we would have full age. We cannot relate with strong meat without full age because there are senses that have not been awakened to process strong meat. We need every aspect of the meat doctrine to deal.with the world. The world does not want us to have the full measure of the thoughts of the meat of the word and if we do not have the thoughts of the meat, the world can still spot us. When we carry the meat seed well, we would be exposed to the everlasting seed.


The Father wants to commit good things to us. If at the time that everlasting things should be committed to us, we do not yet have full age, we will be required to give account. The Father would only commit His things to those that are of full age. We would not inherit the Father's things if we do not have full age irrespective of us being able to mouth it, preach it or assent to it. We would not come into the realms of the beginning if we do not have full age.


Paul had experienced a good measure of the resurrection of the dead by the time he was writing Philippians 1. He was prospering in the resurrection of the dead, but it takes a lot of mercy to complete the curriculum. We must seek for the mercies for this realm and in this realm. Paul used the life of Christ and the life of the Father to lay down His life. We need power to lay down our lives. We need to be emptied of sin and death by the law of the Spirit of life that is in Christ Jesus and then advance to delight in the law of God (Rom. 7:22). To delight in the law of God, we need to obey its commandments and this involves laying down our life.


To keep charity with our brother we need to respond with life; we need to lay down our life. In our dealings with our brethren, the demand is that we respond to them in charity. In the season of everlasting life, we are demanded to respond with first works and last works. When we respond with first and last works, we are pleasing the Father and bringing pleasure to Him. We are reminding God that true worshippers would be raised in our day. Whenever we are living or responding in everlasting life, we are actually laying down our lives and are committing the Lord to give us more life.


We must pray with the revelations that we are receiving so that they can be converted to understanding. Prayer is a discipline that we must cultivate if we want to comprehend truth. We must transact with the truth of revelation so that the understanding of the revelation can be embodied. Another attitude we lack is the habit of meditation. We cannot be busier than David in the Bible who, in spite of all, still set out much time to meditate and think upon the Lord. For this reason, some men are yet to acquire the measure of age in Christ that they should have inherited before now. 


Many are adding ages in the natural, but it is when they get into the word of righteousness that the Lord seeks how to add the age of Christ to them. So many people may have been around for so long, yet because there is no labour, they do not profit. If we labour as we ought, we all should have the age of Christ and many should have the full age. The ministers can deliver the word at the heights of it because they have laboured themselves. They want to be faithful at being committed to the word but they also labour to embody it. We also must labour to embody the word.


After acquiring Christ, having done faith, hope and charity, one can still be tempted. We are still prone to the lusts that James 1:14 spoke of. This lust is a lust that we need everlasting life to overcome. These lusts are not necessarily from this world, but from the god of this world. As Christs, we can still seek the glory of this world or fail in the temptations that Jesus overcame.


How we overcome the devil is by the judgement of everlasting righteousness. Judgement is from Urim and Thummim; they are from the instruments of the High Priest. These are what we would use to overcome the devil before the reward of everlasting life would come. The crown of righteousness refers to the mastery of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8). There is a day wherein Christ will be able to appear in His full glory because we would have come into thirty, sixty and hundred folds - which speak of  the praise, honour and glory - of everlasting righteousness. When we attain this, Jesus can appear as the everlasting son.


A time would come when men, like our Daddy God's servant, would be able to entertain Eternal Life because of consistent profit with everlasting life over the years. We should know Eternal Life the way we know everlasting life. The legal ground Satan has to steal a word is when we do not understand it at the allotted time. When the word of Christ or everlasting life, which is the Word of God, is brought and we do not profit with it for it to upgrade the state of our heart, Satan then has a legal ground to come and take that seed. We must use the word to judge the world otherwise, Satan can come and steal the seed.


There are things that the Lord Jesus would permit and some trials we would go through that He may not necessarily deliver us from, so that such fires may do something in us. In such seasons, there would be unanswered prayers, and some biblical promises that we can tap into in the milk season may not necessarily be granted in such seasons of meat. In the season of meat and strong meat, God wants to use the affliction, trials and contradictions we go through to save us and remit a sin. If our prayers are answered as much as we would like, the salvation program would be hindered and we would neither come into understanding nor wrestle with spirits.


When we face a contradiction of life, a delay, a denial, we must know that God is doing something to save us with it, and we might not understand till the trial is probably over. If we do not understand that it is to save us, we would be anxious for things we should not be anxious about and would not be able to profit with the trial, to acquire the age of Christ or of the Father (1Pet. 4:12).


There are evil beings that occupy the heaven we are supposed to occupy, and their natures and laws are latent in us. That is why Paul said, He rejoices in tribulation because whenever there is tribulation, God is about to measure out age to us. Romans 5:3 says, “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;” (Rom. 5:3). This patience is the patience of the Son of God. We must be armed with this patience so that we can wrestle with spirits because they also possess a wrong age of patience.


Christ is a law (Gal. 5:23). When we obey the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, there is no law that can stand against us. No law can condemn anyone who obeys the law of Christ (Rom. 8:1). Christ wields a dominion, and everyone that obeys Christ would have access to the dominion He has. By the law of Christ, we can overcome the world every time it shows up. This tells the Father that such can be committed with the incorruptible seed, and such man would be able to inherit it within the space of time because of his diligence in the season of Christ.


After old things are passed away in Christ, we still need the gospel of the everlasting kingdom to undo former things in us (Rev. 21:4). God has to turn the captivity of Zion around and that is presently ongoing. That is why God is favouring Zion by shining the light of everlasting on her. The Lord is doing this with the grace of salvation. It is not going to be by our strength but by these words.


There is a seed that the Lord Almighty, the Father, will give to sons and daughters because of what they have done with the seed of the sower (Psa. 126:6). It is only the Lord that can keep this seed and this seed is kept by the Holy Ghost. We need a consecration to keep these things. While we may not necessarily forget the things we hear, our souls do not yet place the right value on it.


As long as we do not deny Him of His reward, the Lord would not deny us of the reward (Psa. 127:3). We come to the place where we have the fruit of the womb by keeping faith with the incorruptible seed and by making diligence with the light and truth that the Father is bringing our way. The Lord wants us to have repentance in the way we have rapport with these seeds. There are many things about our personality that are limiting our rapport with these seeds. We have our fathers as examples so that we can also be an example of the believer in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith and in purity (1 Tim 4:12).








  1. The Lord has begun a good work in us and that good work is traceable to the seed of the Sower, which is meant to make the heart good (Philp. 1:5-6). In the sight of God, ‘good’ is defined as the person of Christ. The entire present world, with all its activities, excitement and glories, has nothing good in it.

  2. A believer who has arrived at full age is one who has become without spot, wrinkle or blemish. These three are what the world uses to spot or limit our sacrifice from being acceptable unto God. Therefore, a time should come when a believer should be holy and without blemish (Eph. 5:27). The light of Christ guarantees this possibility.

  3. The Lord Almighty has a secret (Psa. 25:14). This secret is coming from a higher commandment but it would be given to those who have traded and profited with the secrets of Christ. Christ is a secret and what it does is to weaponize the mind against the world.

  4. The revelation of Christ is the revelation of the commandment that would always deal with the world at whatever level it shows up. Christ is like an operating system that must continue to run until the mind is completely weaponized against the world. This is so necessary because if that is not done, the believer can come short of something of the world which he had previously overcome by faith, and thereby love something that he previously despised.

  5. God's workshop is in Christ. God does not have any other grounds where He works. When you are in Christ Jesus, God begins a work in you. Ephesians 2:7 shows that in ages to come, when God has finished working on a man – by pouring out all His prudence, wisdom, knowledge and craftsmanship – such a person would become a wonder to principalities and powers. 

  6. The things we allow in our minds would go on to affect our hearts. We allow the wrong things to get to our heart because we first allow them in our minds when we are caught unawares. Whenever the peace in our hearts is tampered with, it indicates that we have allowed and entertained wrong thoughts. 

  7. It is good to rely on counsel from those who have higher light. Pastors are God's provision to us. A counsel from the everlasting light would be more effective than the height of Christ. So, as followers, we should leverage on the access to higher light that those who are ahead of us have. We must seek counsel from them lest a higher spirit should floor us (Prov. 24:6).

  8. A godly man is a man that has been saved from the world. When he has full age, he has victory over the world. The godly man can carry the everlasting seed because he has carried the seed of Christ to term. We need to respond to the world militantly every time the world shows up. Only then would our hearts be kept in the state of peace and would we be able to hear the Father's voice. 

  9. The Father cannot instruct one who does not have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16). The spirit of our mind must be renewed to relate with the Father and that is the mind that can relate with things everlasting. Battles are won or lost in the mind. Even when a measure of life is present in the heart, it can be lost if one is careless in the mind.

  10. We must possess a good ground and seek to carry the seed of the Sower to term. It is when we carry the seed to term that we would have full age. We cannot relate with strong meat without full age because there are senses that have not been awakened to process strong meat.

  11. How we overcome the devil is by the judgement of everlasting righteousness. Judgement is from Urim and Thummim; they are from the instruments of the High Priest. These are what we would use to overcome the devil before the reward of everlasting life would come.

  12. (Rom. 8:1). Christ wields a dominion, and everyone that obeys Christ would have access to the dominion He has. By the law of Christ, we can overcome the world every time it shows up. This tells the Father that such man can be committed with the incorruptible seed, and he would be able to inherit it within the space of time because of his diligence in the season of Christ.

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