Unveiling the Two Works of God’s Love (CTP)

Most Holy Call to Pray (CTP, 5th April, 2021)

Topic: Unveiling the Two Works of God’s Love 

Minister: Rev. Kayode Oyegoke



The law of the Lord will be the meditation of anyone who loves it; such a heart will be preoccupied by thoughts of the law. The law of the Lord was David’s meditation because he loved it (Psa. 119:97). However, we should not just stop at loving the law; we must do it until it becomes our own.

Many do not think about the law of God, rather, they think of the ministry of miracles. Many are excited for miracles and what the Lord can do with the power gifts. However, we should rather be excited at the law of God. The reason why there are so many errors in the body of Christ right now is because people are excited towards the wrong things. Many focus on manifestations and not on the word of God, but manifestations should spring forth from the word.

We must love the Lord. What gave the twelve disciples the formation they had on their inside was not the miracles they performed, but the word. A Kingdom seeker is a word seeker. Anyone who is not interested in truth will never be free from the hold of Satan because liberty from Satan comes by knowing the truth (John 8:32). As such, anyone who is not word inclined will never be made free from him.

When you exalt the word, the word shall exalt you. Whosoever does not like the law of God will be easily deceived by strange doctrines; but a lover of the law of God will have strength to stay with the law, even when strange doctrines come. David was in love with the law of God (Psa. 1:1-2). Our love for the law of God must be day and night; the gene for loving the law of God must be in us!

It is only truth that can set a man free from the adversary. This means the adversary is holding people down by his own law and a Christian who has not studied to the place of knowing the law will not be free. There are a whole lot of viable activities one can do and yet not be free. You may carry out a lot of activities in the name of the Lord and never discover true service because you need to give up some things for the sake of locating the law.

There is no freedom without touching blood (your life). The first blood we are being purified from is our water. That is why the water of the word is used to cleanse us (Eph. 5:26). However, attaining purity is not enough because one can still go back to his impurity (2 Pet. 2:22).

As such, the law of Charity is brought to us so that we can be sealed. Charity is the end of the law (1 Tim. 1:5) and it can only be done out of a pure heart and a good conscience (1 Tim. 1:5).

“A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.” (Ezek. 36:26). The new heart is the pure heart. Obedience to the law of charity then converts the pure heart to a heart of flesh. A heart may be pure but still needs to be upgraded to become fleshy. A fleshy heart is higher than a pure heart. The pure heart is a new heart or one heart (Ezek. 11:19). One heart is formed as a result of the unity of faith.

Sin is a wise law. The strength of sin is the law and if we do not know the law of God, there is no way we can be free from the law of sin (1 Corin. 15:56). The content of iniquity makes men to burn and become hasty; but the answer to iniquity is the writing of the law of God in our hearts and minds. Sin can only be taken away by a writing because sin itself was written in us.

It is in doing the commandments of God that we are written upon. Doing is the season of writing. The law of God can be given to one but may not be written. Before the law will be written, we need to walk in the statutes. When we walk, we will be able to keep. A keeper is someone who will not betray the holding of the law – he is one who has held the law and will not leave it. We need to walk to be able to handle the law. When we handle, then we will do the law.

We must do the law. In doing it, we will begin to be written upon in our hearts and minds and then we begin to own it. When we do the law, we will be able to abide in the (promised) land. This is love! Love is taking something that is not yours and making it yours. We must take the law of God as our own. Naturally, we will not be able to do the law if we do not cooperate with the law. We must therefore give ourselves to the law. This is a love response!

Our love walk must become our love work. We must be able to carry it out. First love (work) is finished when the law of God is written in the hearts and minds. As this is going on, we will have to war with the dragon as he tries to stop us from keeping God's commandments. His war with us is to prevent God's law to be written in our hearts and minds.

The first work makes us God's children. The closer a man is to the law, the more childlike he becomes until he gets into the sanctuary, breaks into the veil and then becomes a child of this commandment. A child of this commandment is a child of the everlasting Kingdom and such a child is lower (more childlike) than children of the Kingdom (Matt. 18:1-4).

The essence of the first work is to reduce our age until we become childlike enough to enter the womb. The law of God converts the soul to be childlike. Sin has age or wisdom, and we must be delivered from such wisdom to find entrance into the Kingdom. When we become childlike, not only would God not remember our sins and iniquities (Heb. 10:17), but we also will not remember them.

Satan warred with the child whom Zion birthed in Revelation 12, but the child went up into the womb of the morning. Everything about the birth canal of Zion is in God. God wants to receive those who will sit on the throne from Zion. This is the travail of making God's law ours.

The dragon would keep warring, but God will cause us to win this war. This is how we will be made an ark – by loving God's law (Psa. 119:97). Lucifer accuses those in the womb day and night (Rev. 12:10) because he does not want the completion of the second phase of love to take place in them. He wants to devour them so that they (the child) would make a mistake while in the womb and eventually be rejected by God on delivery. The last love is measured against 'the death'. The first love work helped them to deny what they call their “life”; but this life will only be put to death by the last love work – when they have used the law of God as their own (Rev. 12:11).

When the law is written in the heart, such a person will not need to be taught the law of God, for he will do it by default. Lucifer will not fall when the law is only written in the heart but when men begin to use the law as their own (Rev. 12:11). Men will do the word as their testament and this would trigger the expiration of Satan.

Men would do the commandment of love perfectly and it would make them not to love their lives unto the death – they would look at the death of their lives and go for it. As they do this, Satan would be cast down.

The reason for writing the law in us is for us to overcome – this is the last commandment. Making war and overcoming are not the same (Rev. 2:26). After making war, the testimony becomes yours, then you have to overcome Satan. When we keep His works to the end, we will overcome (Rev. 2:26). To overcome Satan is to make sure that the life in him dies. God's works are to make us reach the apex of overcoming. We cannot attain better heights (or stature) than the dragon if we don’t do the works of God.




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