Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)      

Programme: Believers’ Convention 2024 (Day 1 - Evening Session) 

Date: Sunday, 18th August, 2024

Minister: Reverend Kayode Oyegoke



Transcript Excerpt

“Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.” (Mal. 3:1). The Lord is a Minister of the Sanctuary (Holy Place) and of the true tabernacle (Most Holy Place). Thus, the Lord cannot minister below the Sanctuary, that is, the Outer Court and the Inner Court of the temple.


The Lord, being the Minister of the Sanctuary, is not referring to the Lord anointing people to minister but the Lord Himself being involved in ministry. This must be emphasized so people can know that the Lord ministers and has a ministry that can be expressed on earth. 


In a century, the Lord may not find a Sanctuary to minister in. It is the Sanctuary that brings Him. The earth needs ministers who have been raised and empowered by the Holy Ghost according to the instructions of the Lord. Such ministers can raise men to be made the court of the Lord, and thereafter, the Sanctuary. A man who has been raised can be moving physically but he is not a mere man, but a walking temple of the Lord.


Every temple (man) is a house and if he is a house, he is a professional who is not limited to earth. Satan knows this and does not want anyone to get to the place where such a person is able to generate pleasure to our God. It is only that kind of temple that can respond to the High Priest. Thus, nothing on earth should cheat us from this great destiny. 


The Lord must come into something – His temple. His temple triggers His ministry which is the covenant because He is the Messenger of the covenant. He comes into the Sanctuary to help or succour the brethren in the Sanctuary to make covenant in the Most Holy Place. Jesus is the Messenger of the Covenant. 


“But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: [3]And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.” (Mal. 3:2-3). According to the Old Testament pattern, Levi is outside the Sanctuary. Levi is not His temple; it is the sons of Levi that are His temple. This means that those who are harvested from the Outer Court and are brought closer become the Sanctuary.


The sons of Levi are sons out of the Levites – the matured ones amongst the Levites. Such men have stayed enough in the Court and can be brought in. They are able to go through the veil and learn the Sanctuary over time. 


Those in the Outer Court are sons in a dimension because they have entered into the Kingdom. One can be in the Kingdom and not enter life. After the Outer Court, there are other courts. When entering the Kingdom, we have to go through courts. The Inner Court is the last dimension of the courts and then one comes into the tabernacle. The court is not a tabernacle; the tabernacle is the Sanctuary and the Most Holy Place. The court is open while the Sanctuary and Most Holy are covered. 


The court is a centre of activity for the sons of Levi; they leave the Sanctuary and come to the court to work. Theirs is not the same work with that of the Levites because they are sons of Levi; they are graduates beyond the Levitical call. God called them to come nearer. They can attend to the altar, offer blood and other sacrifices in the court. They can go beyond and offer incense upon the golden altar. 


Priests or sons of Levi handle two altars – the brazen altar and the golden altar. God is not a purifier of brass but of silver (Mal. 3:3). The utensils in the court are brazen in nature. This means that coming to God is graded according to the properties and qualities of the elements used. For the courts, the worship quality is brass. Thus, we should not disdain brazen service. All these are qualities of redemption. We are being redeemed from the earth gradually so that we are no longer iron when we get to the court. Iron can decay but copper would not decay; gold and silver would also not decay. 


Satan is wicked; he took man from gold and brought him down gradually, lessening the quality of his soul until he became earth completely. Worship is a gravitation upward to God. Nobody fulfills the terms of worship and does not change. Worship simply means giving oneself to something he loves. When we give ourselves to something, it takes us over.


When we got born again, the Holy Ghost took our souls from earth and made us brass. He pushed further, harvested us out of the brass company and made us sons of silver. It is those who have become silver in their souls that the Son of God can deal with. That does not mean a brass company cannot encounter Jesus in vision. However, such may not know Him because he does not have what it takes to deal with Him.


Jesus is actively teaching, He is involved in ministry. The only thing that is different is that He may not be seen physically, so eyes have to be opened on the inside to see Him ministering. One who has not been developed to that state will not be able to receive what He has to give. Every High Priest has something to offer. If they offered sacrifices in the Old Testament, it means Jesus has something to give. Jesus is still giving gifts, for He has not stopped. After He ascended, He gave the five-fold ministry to men (Eph. 4:8-11). Thus, we need to learn about Jesus and His gifts. 


“And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.” (Mal. 3:3). The base purification is that He will receive silver and make them gold and silver. This gold and silver are not yet completely gold even after the refining and purification through fire and purging. When things are happening to you and you are going through the ways of being built, you will not refuse the Lord. Jesus will sit as a refiner and He needs a temple. Jesus will bring His throne into the Sanctuary. 


If Jesus does not come, we will come short, so we need help. Another word for help is succour. Jesus has received a more excellent ministry (Heb. 8:6) and has the ability to condescend from the throne to the Most Holy place and to the Holy Place, which is called the Sanctuary. The power preventing people from being spiritual is not an ordinary power; it is a power we can never comprehend.


A man can live naturally and go to heaven, but when he gets there, he would realise that things are different. He might want to see Jesus and then realise it is not possible. That is when he will get to know that there are different levels in heaven. 


It is not easy for God to find a man that He can send. When God is sending a preacher to make people spiritual, the preacher must have been spiritual. In the season of Christ, there is a warfare, which results in many leaving the path. This is because the nature of Christ is contrary to the nature of man. There is a message called Christ and it is called “good tidings”. 


“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Rom. 10:15). They preach the gospel of peace and bring the gospel of gladness and of good tidings. Tidings is gospel and gladness is a name of a gospel. There are two major gospels: the first is the gospel of peace and the second is glad tidings of good things, which is higher than the gospel of peace. The gospel of peace is good tidings and its publication is peace. The end of that gospel is peace (Isa. 52:7).


“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” (Isa. 52:7). “Good tidings of good” is higher than “good tidings that publish peace”. It is not just good, it is a good of gladness. Good here is God, for God is good (Mark 10:18). There are two “goods” here: the good preaching that gives peace and the glad tidings of good that publish salvation. The second one is a publisher of the gospel of peace Good tidings publish peace, which is the gospel of peace while glad tidings of good publish salvation, which is the gospel of salvation. 


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Rom. 1:16). Salvation is glad tidings. At the New Birth, we do not know everything that is in scripture. There is nothing like “once saved, always saved”. One might be a minister and may have never heard the gospel. What was preached to us to get us born again was to make us hear the gospel. We then need to develop hearing for the gospel.


When the gospel of Christ has been fully preached and people have become it, the Son of God will come. The Son of God gave a gospel, which is the gospel of peace because “blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God” (Matt. 5:9). One who has gotten to peace is a child of peace and would not go into enmity with God; he will hear God and would not fight Him.


Christ is our peace; we have peace when we have fully heard Christ and embodied it. God owns the Church and He wants to raise the Church to come into peace. Jesus has been able to raise many in this company and this is proof that the Church can be saved. What is happening here will occur in the entire body of Christ. What is being discussed in heaven right now is the program of how man will be incorruptible.


The Godhead by nature and by duty are committed sworn Saviours. Our Lord is a competent Saviour, skilful and able to save us to the uttermost (Heb. 7:25)


“For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us…” (Eph. 2:14). The word “Christ” is a stone heaved out of earth because God does not relate with earth or sand, rather, He looks for stones. Christs are stone beings and God Almighty is a Stone (Rev. 4:3). Christ is the gift of God to man.


The good news needs to be preached to the earth, not just all earth but the earth in churches. One who is earth in nature may be brought to church, but it is possible such a person would not change. When people come to church, they are at different levels in their souls and thus, not all the same.


One must be sent to bring and teach Christ, for authority is needed to break down like Jeremiah. The soul can have two parents; it can be divided between God and the devil. This is why God wants us to seek Him with our whole heart (Matt. 22:37). A part of the soul can worship God while the other would not respond to Him. The soul can be measured, hence, preventing the man from giving his all to God. 


Satan will bring challenges towards one who is going into God. These challenges represent the trial of our faith to get us tired and stop journeying. This is what happened to Esau; it was Esau God really loved but Esau broke His heart. He went hunting one day but did not find anything and it was Satan that caused this. As such, he became angry with the crown he was wearing and despised it. Then, Jacob demanded for the promise in place of porridge (Gen. 25:34) and Esau agreed. This is the same way many people have left Christ for porridge (which represents natural things like houses, cars, good jobs and so on).


Christ is the power of God (1 Cor. 1:24). This means He is the offering of God to help man reach Him (God). We cannot get to God except He stretches forth His hand. Christ is the gift of help to get God or salvation. The hearing of Christ delivers things to us that make us rocks. We move from earth to rock and then, we can respond to a higher calling which is salvation. Salvation is beyond going to heaven. The New Birth is good, but God wants to press further, for we were born again to hear the good news (the gospel). 


Discipleship training cannot make a believer good; it is revelation that makes a man good. 


The day one begins to live by the faith of Christ, such a person is changing from earth (grass) to stone. The faith of Christ is a program that can change a man’s state entirely. As one walks by this faith through obedience, such is changing and moving from stone to stone. This is what the revelation of Christ does. What is right for a man to do must be revealed because we do not know what is right. Thus, one who would reveal Christ to us must be sent.


“And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; [21] In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord...” (Eph. 2:20-21). Apostles and prophets have one foundation inside them – Christ (1 Cor. 3:11). One who preaches Christ can stabilize a Christian and stay him against every wind of doctrine. When a true apostle is sent, one can be built upon the foundation. Jesus is not just the foundation Stone, He is the Chief Cornerstone. The Chief Cornerstone is the stone all other stones are built around. Thus, Jesus is from the invisible structure of the house to the visible structure of the house.


Apostle Paul is using this to infer something living and mobile. This is how we become priests. A priest is not just one who prays, rather, he must develop in the spirit. In the Old Testament, a priest does not come into the priestly office except he gets to the age of 30. Thus, one who has not grown into a holy temple in the Lord (Sanctuary) cannot be a priest. The essence of building is for functionality. We are living below our potential in the spirit because we do not have the frame for what God wants. One who has become the temple of the Lord can move to a higher calling to become a temple of God.


We need to house the Lord before we can house God. As a temple of the Lord, we can call for the messenger of the temple. What calls Jesus are buildings who have been raised by virtue of obedience to His revelation. As such, Satan fights the season of the building of the temple of the Lord. The High Priest is the Minister of the Sanctuary, but He does not teach things of the Sanctuary, rather, He takes one from the Sanctuary into the Most Holy Place. 


Real sanctification is constructive. To build one up is to make one holy which requires materials. Christ is holy, good tidings is a holy message. To construct a man, men need to labour with the required materials according to the blueprint of the house. A holy temple should succeed in warfare against rulers of this world. Those spirits are temples that are against our building.


Adam was a temple, but Satan dragged him down to earth. Christ is not a vocation to men, He is a means to get natural things. Jesus came to give us something we never knew we needed – to rebuild us, not just as Adam but as the Adam who is seated in the heavens. God Almighty wants us to be rebuilt. When a man becomes a sanctuary, Jesus appears to raise Him to become God’s temple.


Becoming the temple of God is getting to the place where salvation can occur. To be saved is to be completely free from decay. God wants to deal with us at a high level and get us to a place where we are irreversible by Satan.


“To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you...” (1 Peter 1:4). The inheritance should be gotten from heaven and brought to earth. The inheritance will be put into our DNA and no one would be able to take it out. A time will come where we would not fade because of the inheritance in us. However, we cannot get to this point without the Son of God coming to us. This is what will lead to rapture.


The Son of God is not coming to rapture any kind of church but a glorious church without spots (Eph 5:27). The Son of God needs a people who can bring Him; He will relate with them and they will spread it to His body (churches). When the Son of God comes, it is to save, for He is the author of salvation.


“And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him...” (Heb. 5:7-9). We must obey Him, not just believe Him. He is going to come to instruct us and we are to obey Him. 








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