The Conversation of a Prisoner of Christ (RH)
The new man is prepared to become a prisoner of the Lord Jesus by being armed with some commandments of everlasting life. As prisoners of the Lord, we would be trained not to do our will.
The Earnest of Our Inheritance (RH)
The first inheritance of a believer is the Holy Spirit and He is a down payment. This shows that there are still more inheritances.
Prioritizing Your Spiritual Growth ((RH)
We should prioritize our spiritual growth over our natural abilities. We should also trust God that the work He is doing externally and around us will not be greater than the work He is doing within us. Satan has given men all kinds of abilities, so that we do not prioritise obedience. But while Jesus was on earth, He showed us a pattern of how a spiritual man should handle our abilities as men.
Bruising Satan Underneath Our Feet (RH)
To hate the world is to hate the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life (1 John 2:16). We cannot hate the world on our own accord. We prove that we hate the world by how well we obey the commandments that are given to us.
Attaining Strength Against the Program of Satan (RH)
We need to open ourselves to growth and the dealings of God that allow His fear to be worked out in us. The working of God comes with God’s process. We may hear a lot of revelation but many times, it does not stick. However, if we go through them experientially, they will stick in our souls.
Keeping the Commandments of the Declaration of His Name (RH)
The Son is declared to one who has kept faith with the doctrine of Christ. He that has the doctrine of Christ has both the Son and the Father (2 John 1:9). The incorruptible seed wants to place a yoke on our necks. It is also referred to as “the new commandment”. and by it one would pass from death to life, and the darkness in our midst will be dealt with. The essence of God giving us light in this manner is so that we can see clearly and deny our present states. A person who is coming after the Lord is one who is taking the Lord’s yoke upon him.
Overcoming All The Birth Processes of Satan (RH)
When we do Christ well, it will make our souls so barren to this world that we will not be able to receive the seed of the wicked one. We would not be like Cain who is of the wicked one (1 John 3:12), for the wicked one sowed his seed into Cain. We have to accumulate life before we can receive Eternal Life. No creature can receive Eternal Life in its raw form because it will shut that creature down. But before we can take on a higher life, we need to be well built and develop enough resistance (to have some level of substances in our souls).
Becoming Heavenly Through the Birth of the Holy Ghost (Part 2 RH)
The kingdom of God is a birth canal and there is no succession in it without being born. It is a generation that walks according to the will of God that will redeem time for their names to be written in heaven, after being born of water and spirit. Embedded in the blood of Jesus are books which makes one see secret things, by its sprinkling we see and reject Satan's things and this process exposes us to temptations.
Understanding Jesus; The Likeness of God (RH)
The Spirit of Christ and the Son of God are contained in the blood of the New Testament. When we drink His blood - His words, His image begins to be formed in us and our minds would not forget Him as we do it in remembrance of Him for entrance into the kingdom. Jesus is the Great Prince of God. An image is a paper plan of a house while likeness is the raising of the house. Our Lord Jesus is the express image of Gods person (Gods likeness). Princely status starts in sonship with God.