Walking in the Light of the Lamb Pt. 2 (WTVPM)
It is only this life of the Lamb that can escape every sword of the enemy and snare of the fowler; it can escape every ditch. If Jesus, as the Lamb, was able to escape “brood of vipers” (Matt. 23:33), it was as a result of the mastery the Lamb has. Although He looks helpless, He actually has the key to escape.
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Walking in the Light of the Lamb (WTV PM)
True worshippers are those with the ability to locate the temple. This temple is God Almighty and the Lamb. The order of worship that is after the order of the New Testament will be reinstated. It will be brought before men and we will see how man ought to worship. This is the essence of the Revelation of God Almighty and the Lamb.
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Unveiling the Baptism of Fire (WTVPM)
When they can lead one by the Spirit of Christ outside the Kingdom, the Holy Ghost moves His manner with us higher and begins to teach us Christ; this is because the allocation of the name of the Son has begun. The day we see Christ fully is the day we are free. A free person is a person that no longer has chaff around him; the flesh skin of his soul is off. Nothing accomplishes this but the fire we encounter when we get into the sanctuary.
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Understanding Jesus' Full Ministry (WTVPM)
We must deal with every evil spirit that talks to us. It is the adversary who tells us that we have been wasting our time and have not been receiving this life. We should be glad that we have the lifetime opportunity to hear these words. If it happens that we don't get Eternal Life here on earth, we are still going to gain a state in heaven because of hearing these words and seeking it with a faithful heart.
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