Unveiling the Kingdom Strata of the World to Come (LSC)
The main divisions of the kingdom which include the earthly and the heavenly realms were described in John 3. The new birth is an access to earthly citizenship of the world to come. A man who is born again is the man that can be empowered to see the kingdom, then born of water and spirit to enter the kingdom being made a new creation man.
Becoming the Father’s Resting Place (LSC)
David was faithful with little and God gave him more, he did not seek his own things. This is a trial for those to whom God will open the season of reward to. It takes a lot to handle abundance of light. The essence of the everlasting judgement coming our way is for us to be able to think God only. One of the hallmarks of a soul that is obeying the commandments of everlasting life is that Christ is perfected in him. When a soul perfects Christ, he is brought into the abundance, and that soul is raised as a house
A Treatise on Resurrection from the Dust by the Great Prince (LSC)
A beloved is a man who God will commit His things to, making princes who are holders of secrets until he comes into Eternal life - the fullness of the image of God. The ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ is to raise souls from the different dominions which have held men captive. Ministers are supposed to lift Jesus up the way Moses lifted the serpent, and it can only take those who are meek to life Jesus.
Being Born of the Will of God (LSC)
There are different levels of birth, each birth occurs by doing a will. According to John 1:14, we see calibrations of glory: blood, flesh and man who is the full flesh. To be born of the will of man is to be born of a kind of glory and to be born of this glory is to be born of substances of inverted everlasting. A man can be born by the Will of God or by the will of sin, making him either a Son of God or the man of sin.
Exposition of God’s Kingdom Program (LSC)
A man born of the blood, the flesh and the will of man is a man who has fully embodied the life of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil, and such man is Evil. Jesus gives power for men to become sons of God and those who believe in His name making them Godly with His genes, being born of water and spirit to enter the kingdom of God.
Seeing God’s Kingdom and Ascension (LSC)
If a man is unable to see God's kingdom, then the forces of Satan’s dominion are at work because the kingdom of darkness is what causes a man not to see.
Obeying all of Christ's Substances (LSC)
As believers, we are on a journey to God, and this journey is by light (understanding). "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." (Prov. 4:18 )
Building Unto God’s Rest (LSC)
Right now, the problem of mankind is ignorance (Heb. 5:2). The reason for God's investment in raising a man in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ is for us not to continue in ignorance.
The Purpose of Fellowship in Everlasting Life Part 2 (LSC)
To be ignorant is not to know God. A person can know many things and not know God. Before God, a professor and a fisherman are the same. They have only learnt so much but their vanity still remains. What we get from the knowledge of God, are things that will make us endure–incorruptible things.