Unveiling God as the Eternal Refuge (APM)
When someone walks out from among the flock of God, such a person has been devoured – he has been eaten up. A flock can be going about its normal daily activities but may have been devoured. In the face of God, such a person is lost or taken by Satan.
Understanding the Light that God is (SOS)
You cannot harness real power if you do not love knowledge. Whosoever is not interested in knowledge will not do well or go far. Whosoever is not interested in knowledge will downplay light.
Being Caught Up by the Doctrine of God (LSC)
The least of the oracle of God, which is also called the first principles of the oracle of God or the milk is not clear to the most men in the body of Christ. Without proper understanding of this word, the church will not be able to accurately ascend to the understanding of the meat of the word.
Coming into God’s Eternal House (RH)
The opening of Adam’s eyes brought a lot of things to earth. The covering that God gave Adam and Eve was supposed to protect them from hurt. This covering (garment) was a fortress, and it was not ordinary. God put it in them with some grace.
X-raying the Realm of Eternal Reward (SOS)
No one can preach the Kingdom of God without growing up. Just like John as a child grew and waxed strong in the spirit (Luke 1:80), Jesus also grew up in the spirit, increasing “... in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52).
Living by a Repentant Heart (LSC)
Everlasting life is an upgraded life; it is the upgrade of the life of Christ with a perfect light.
Relating with The Realm of The Unknown (RH)
The realm of God is unknown to man and angels, but we must capture it before we can sit on the Throne. The Lord is resolute about giving some people the opportunity to sit on the Throne (Heb 4:6). However, we have to be faithful in accessing the doors that make up that realm.
A Discourse of the Throne Beings (LSC)
The Godhead—the Holy Ghost, the Word and the Father all have different natures. The Father cannot condescend beyond the name (nature) of the ‘Father’. However, the Holy Ghost can go as far as the state of a baby Christian. This is the dimension of the Holy Ghost that we drink into when we first have the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
X-raying the World of God's Reward Pt. 1 (LSC)
Works vary in strength. A man cannot overcome the way Jesus did. God packaged the programme for everyone and He arranged levels (Heb. 8:11).