Inheriting God by Obeying the Measures of Life (BECON PM)
God wants to give us something that will become our own. There is a path to every inheritance. "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant." (Psa. 25:14). Secrets are archives; they are things kept that we cannot access. This means the things of God do not come cheap; we can only access them by our walk.
Perusing the Measures of God in the New Testament (BECON PM)
The throne of grace can give mercy. The end of grace is peace. Peace is the true life in everlasting life; it is the everlasting life that abides. A person who has peace is true. Truth is the first love while love is the last; they are both works. This means what Jesus was doing that the Father was showing Him were works of truth and love; they are the first and last love. So the name of the two works are Great and Marvelous (Rev. 15:3).
Accessing Help From the High Priest for Image Construction (BECON PM
No man knows the things of man except the spirit of man (1 Cor. 2:11). This means the spirit of a man knows what is in his heart. If a minister is not strong in doctrine, he cannot save men from things that take the heart. Satan has murdered some people in the heart. The heart can take the spirit, soul and body into the lake of fire because it controls the entire activity of the spirit, body and soul. The final verdict of the heart is what the spirit will become eventually; this is why we are admonished to keep our hearts (Prov. 4:23).
Coming into Everlasting Life by the Work of Grace (BECON PM)
A man cannot be born into the world of grace without faith. Although we were saved by grace, it came through faith (Eph. 2:8). The manner in which faith prepares a man to come into grace is the same way in which sin prepares a man to arrive in death. Faith prepares one for the receiving of grace. God respects those who believe Him for natural things because He sees a faith attitude that can bring them into a new world He has prepared for them.
Understanding the Measure of the House of God (BECON PM)
A man can have the knowledge of the Son but not the measure of the stature of the Son. "Stature" speaks of form or fashion. A perfect man is a measure, while the unity of the faith is a precept – knowledge (Eph. 4:13).
The Operation of the East Gate Knowledge (BECON PM)
The gate is positioned according to the Eastern way because that was the place God came from. In Genesis, God planted a garden in the East of Eden (Gen. 2:8) because ‘East' means something to Him. God came from the East, and this is why the way of the East is God’s way. The Eastern way is short. It is consecrated and hallowed; this means it can never be operated by or opened to just anyone. This is a path that is dedicated to God, for it is a way (or manner) above creation.
The Ministry of the Holy Ghost and the Doctrine of the Godhead (BECON PM)
There are two sides to promises: the promise of God’s inheritance and the promise of God’s reward. Although the Holy Ghost is also a promise by God (Acts 2:33), there are promises of a high life in God. The Holy Ghost also has its word and corresponding life. The apostles in the book of Acts were told to go preach the word of the life of the Holy Ghost (Acts 5:20). This means that there is a life which the Holy Ghost gives, it is the faith in the Lord Jesus (Eph. 1:15).
X-raying the Eternal Temple of God (BECON PM)
(Heb. 7:26-28). There is a temple of the tabernacle of God in heaven. Jesus could not officiate the ministry of the high priest on earth because there were other priests there; that was why He passed into heaven to serve in the heavenly tabernacle. Jesus used heavenly things to offer in that tabernacle; He purified the heavenly things using a better sacrifice – His blood (Heb. 9:19-23). Jesus represents all manner of sacrifices that are meant for purification in the tabernacle, like in the Old Testament pattern which was a copy of the one in heaven (Exod. 25:9, Heb. 8:5).