Understanding the First Adam and the Last Adam Pt3 (BECONPM)
Satan spelt out to Adam where he was going, changing his name from blood earth to dust. Satan covered him with what withers, and anything that withers in scriptures is flesh (1 Peter 1:24). Satan was already giving Adam a code of life. Flesh is also a name for another man. When Satan wanted to tempt Job by God’s consent, he said skin for skin, meaning ashes to ashes, dust to dust (Job 2:3-4).
Desiring the Victory over Sin and Death (BECONPM)
The boast of Satan is that he has an edge over creatures. This edge is the hell and death that he holds. Unknown to him, God also has a feast that can deal with hell and death. The intention and vision of heaven are to raise a people who will come into celebrating the feast of victory over hell and death.
Believers' Convention 2021 (Day 7 Evening Session) - Speaker 2
It is not easy to change people. Those who will minister to men in the world to come are men that make up the city. They are men that have partaken of the resurrection of the dead (Philipp. 3:11).
Believers’ Convention 2021 (Day 7 Evening Session) – Speaker 1
We need to preserve this gospel on earth; therefore, we would need to lay down our pride, fame, visions, and ambitions according to the manner that the Lord requires of all of us.
Believers’ Convention 2021 (Day 7 Morning Session) – Speaker 2
The things that God has are all defined by life, including everlasting and Eternal life. God does not have houses, cars or other ephemeral things to give. The things that He has are blessings that only He can give.
Believers’ Convention 2021 (Day 7 Morning Session) – Speaker 1
Everlasting Life is the reason for the gospel (John. 3:16). Hence, every born-again believer has been called to receive everlasting life, which is received by hearing, teachings and doing the commandments that flow from these teachings.
Believers' Convention 2021 (Day 6 Evening Session) - Speaker 2
The evil spirits of this present world are principalities and power, and rulers of the darkness of this world. They used to be angels under God but fell for the deception of Lucifer. Principalities and powers are tutors; while the rulers of the darkness of this world are governors in the realm of the spirit.
Believers' Convention 2021 (Day 6 Evening Session) - Speaker 1
Many people believe in the concept of seeing before believing. However, you have to believe before you can see anything in the Kingdom. This is why one who does not believe in the Son will not see Everlasting Life (John 3:18).
Believers' Convention 2021 (Day 6 Morning Session) - Speaker 3
Perfection is a journey back to God through our conformity to the full stature of Christ (Eph. 4:13). The operation of the fivefold ministry is to make us well rounded. While growing up, certain things affect our upbringing; this is why God uses the fivefold ministry to completely furnish us.