The Manifestation of God's Dominion over Flesh (Part 2 PFN)
There is contention over bodies this season. God cannot be manifested in the flesh until He has established His dominion over the bodies of people. This means there must be victory over bodies for God to manifest Himself in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16).
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Movement from the word to spirit (RH)
The way of the word is the spirit of the word. For way to be given, we have to first be dosed with knowledge. In order to have knowledge, we would receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, that is, to be filled with the knowledge of His will in wisdom and spiritual understanding (Col. 1:9).
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Unveiling Different Dimensions of God’s Promises (LSC)
(Jer. 32:37-39; Exo. 19:3-6). God promised the children of Israel that they will be a "peculiar treasure" unto Him above all the people of the earth. However, they must first become a kingdom of priests unto Him, and a holy nation ‒ both elements are the requirement for attaining the status of a peculiar treasure. Becoming a "peculiar people" is the highest of God’s promises.
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Fulfilling the Obedience of The Way of Peace (RH)
One thing that some of us have not yet gotten right is the wise and selfless use of the mind. That is where battles are won and lost. A person can end up processing a thought from a thing and will not know when he/she will take a thought. Thoughts will unlock a lust in a person and the wise thing to do is open up. That is why the Bible says we should confess our faults one to another (Jam. 5:16).
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The Raising of the Sons of God by the Deposition of Glorious Things (LSC)
The call to sonship is more than just getting born again. This is because the born again experience results only in the raising of a man's spirit to life, but not his soul. Satan has done some work in the soul, so God desires to change the soul. We need to walk by faith to see God’s provision for our souls; this is how our souls can be made superior to that of angels.
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Discerning the Work Of God in The New Testament (SOS)
There is a question that ministers of the gospel or pastors are often asked, “how is the work of God?”. However, brethren who are not serving in the fivefold ministry are not often asked this question. This tells us that many (both in the church and outside) do not really know what the work of God is.. The work of God is the salvation of our souls.
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Understanding the Ways of God’s Glory (WTVPM)
God wants to raise men like John the Baptist who have prepared the way. There are homes of spirits in men’s hearts because of ways. The place that spirits have in us is a result of their ways in us. This is not a possession of a man by a spirit but a manner of life taught to a man by evil spirits. Evil spirits feed from our disobedience and make our hearts their homes as a result.
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Accessing the Way to God’s Dominion (WTVPM)
God wants us to know that our dominion is not of this world. The scriptures are the representation of a dominion. It may appear weak or outdated to many but this is a lie of evil spirits. No dominion will come to the saints if they do not ascend into the judgement of God. God will not put us forward as an extension or usage of dominion if we have not judged ourselves with salvation.
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The Preparation of the Way of Peace (WTV)
God is not evil and will not chastise a carnal man. God knows that the carnal man cannot understand because carnality is against the nature of God.. The rod brings pain, yet it is a succor to a man of peace. When the Lord rebukes a man of peace, he is okay with it. It is a man of peace that takes the rebuke of the Lord and rejoices.
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