Understanding the Architecture of Dominion (CTP)
The kingdom of God offers deliverance from sin. Sin precedes the dominion of death which separates a soul from God. The kingdom of sin and death is also referred to as the kingdom of darkness, and those who manage it are kings. This kingdom is also known as the world of the rulers of darkness.
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Prevailing unto the Resurrection of the Dead (CTP)
We are warring with spirits who have taken an oath against the redemption of man. These beings have vowed that man will not be redeemed unto God. God is, however, determined to bring men back to Him; He will not joke with redemption. He has taken an oath that men will be saved to the uttermost (Heb. 7:25).
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Overcoming Iniquity by the Books (Part 2, CTP)
There cannot be remission of sins without eyes (sight). This is because eyes are needed to deal with iniquity. “For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.” (Zech. 3:9). Without these seven eyes in the soul, reconciliation or removal of iniquity cannot take place in the soul.
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Overcoming Iniquity by the Books (CTP)
The purpose of Christ’s redemption - which is through His unsearchable riches - is so that the ark of the testimony will be opened to men. The ark will only be opened to those who have obeyed Christ well.
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The Ministry of the High Priest Against Fear (CTP)
Our distance from God is proportional to how well we can worship Him. The nearer we are to God, the more the weight of our worship and the stronger our service to Him will be.
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Arriving at Judgement by the Seven Spirits of God (CTP)
The first illumination of our (darkened) understanding comes from the spirit of wisdom and revelation, both of which are eyes of Christ (Eph. 1:17). They are teaching spirits. The spirit of wisdom makes one wise while the spirit of understanding gives revelation. Wisdom and revelation are both attitudes in the spirit – they are a character or gene.
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Handling the Word of God with Reverence (RH)
The core reason for the scriptures is to bring people into an alignment of coming to God. No man or company of people can come into the fullness of the understanding of scriptures without journeying or coming to God.
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Finding Rest by the All Things of the Son and the Father (CTP)
Adam’s disobedience brought hell to humanity. He allowed sin but did not know that sin would bring in death and eventually, pass upon all men (Romans 5:12). As such, all men automatically became sinners (Romans 3:23). The only man who was free from sin was the man who walked in obedience – our Lord Jesus.
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Overcoming Iniquity by the Building of God (CTP)
The sons who will be brought into glory must be taught to hate iniquity like Jesus did (Heb. 1:9/2:10). This is why we need to be cleansed first. Cleansing in the New Covenant has to do with the raising of an edifice in the soul. Cleansing is not just an erasing; it involves building. Whosoever is cleansed is built.
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