Coming into Everlasting Rest by Righteousness and Judgement (CTP)
Everlasting life is an everlasting rest, and it is glorious (Isa. 11:10). All the teachings and commandments of everlasting life are meant to bring us to a point of rest in God.
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The Commandments of God’s Rest (CTP)
It is the faith in the Lord Jesus and love towards all the saints that will help a heart to transition into the state of being poor (Eph. 1:15). This faith involves trusting the Lord beyond your understanding, because God wants us to believe Him beyond the results we can see. The dealings of the faith in the Lord Jesus is closer to the charity dealing in Christ; it is love towards all the saints. At times, God will allow us encounter and learn to love some saints whose burden is equivalent to the whole body of Christ. The essence of this is to prove our faith.
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Unveiling the Two Works of God’s Love (CTP)
The law of the Lord will be the meditation of anyone who loves it; such a heart will be preoccupied by thoughts of the law. The law of the Lord was David’s meditation because he loved it (Psa. 119:97). However, we should not just stop at loving the law; we must do it until it becomes our own.
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The Making of God’s Ark (CTP)
Eternal power is a person just as Christ is a person but also the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16-20). Christ is the power of God unto the eternal power, while the eternal power is the ability to attain the Godhead.
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Obeying God’s Commandments at Every Level of Unveiling (LSC)
A good heart is one that can stay believing. A good example is Nathaniel who believed Jesus because of the words spoken to him (John 1:47-50).
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The Making of Men by the Living Testimony (SOS)
The outer court is the realm of praise; the next tent - which is the holy place - is the realm of honour; while the last realm is the most holy place and is the realm of glory.
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Becoming a Vessel unto Honour (PM)
When a man commits fornication with a harlot, his body is joined to that harlot and they become one flesh (1 Cor. 6:16). God hates fornication because it is a union He did not sanction. Fornication initiates a joining that cannot be stopped. Immediately one takes another woman who is not his wife, an illegal joining has taken place.
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The Church, the Light to the World
One major reason many are fainting in their hearts for this nation is that their hopes are wrongly placed. Anything in this world is too unstable for our hopes to be in it.
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Understanding the Testimony of Jesus
You can only serve God by the testimony of the word of God. The word of God is the life of God. You must have yielded towards God in Christ Jesus. When you are serving God by Jesus Christ or in/with Christ, you are using the words of Christ to serve God.
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