Being Built by Eating and Doing the Bread (ER)
God is interested in raising and building us. He wants to raise a formidable people and build us the same way He built Jesus against hell and death. Jesus is a work that was done, for God built Him in a way that death could no longer have dominion over Him. God built a man that beat death and all the arsenals of Satan. That is the kind of work God wants to do in us; He wants to raise men and women who will beat death. To beat death, one must be able to walk against the laws of death.
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Eating the Body God has prepared (ER)
When Jesus was on earth, there was a body prepared for him to feed on. If that body has been prepared, you can be sure it was living, as the Father who is the God of the living cannot prepare something which is dead. The way you transfer or serve the body that has been prepared is packaged in the doing of the will of the Father. When God gives an understanding of His will, part of the body has been given to one to eat. The way to eat is to hear, understand and take steps to do.
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God’s Project of Building Man (ER)
The project of God is for man to receive His building. When Adam fell, he could not stay in rest anymore, because he did not have what it takes to stay there. One needs the capacity to take the engineering of faith that can rest. Labor is to obey the word. Obedience is to labor and do the word. When such a one does the word, such gets built up and then gets the capacity to enter into His rest.
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Building God's Resting House (UKER0
The greatest thing that can happen to a man is for God to desire and swear that He would dwell in him. That is the real making. What can be compared to that? God wants a generation that He will swear to, “I will dwell in you”; this is not just corporate, it is personal. That is why we are gathered here.
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Fulfilling Your Part in the Book of Life (LSC)
The will of God is the book in the blood, it is God's intent for service. All servants should serve God the way God desires. Jesus used 33½ years of His life to live for the will of God, and used 3½ years of those 33½ years to do ministry. He did not do ministry for 30 years, but he did the will for 33 years. They brought ministry to Him when He was almost finishing the will. The addition of ministry did not stop the will; ministry stopped but the will finished but never ended.
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Learning Jesus’ Order of Reigning (SOS)
To turn men to righteousness is to deliver them. The days of thy power are the days of the rod of His strength. The day of the rod of His strength is the day of the expression of His power wherein the people shall be willing (Psa. 110:3). The rod of His strength are those who will rule in the midst of His enemies; it is those who have been raised by Him that will put the devil down.
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The Commandments of God for Men and Women in Marriage (LSC)
Submission is not a message the husband should be preaching to his wife. Rather, he ought to earn it. One who is washed will always submit to the one who did the washing. Naturally, submission comes as an act of love. To sanctify is to set apart or consecrate. The husband ought to consecrate his wife, that is, to set her apart for special use. God wants to use the man’s home and his wife; this is why the husband must set her apart. God wants to make the husband and wife to be perfected as glory vessels.
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The Essence of the Appearing of Jesus in Glory (RH)
Glory is salvation. John the Baptist said “All flesh shall see the salvation of God” (Luke 3:6) and Isaiah said “All flesh shall see the glory of God” (Isa. 40:5). It is glorious to be saved. It is the glory of God to save a soul. Glory means it is of great importance. God is looking for a glorious church, a saved church in the soul.
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Jesus’s Order of Reigning (SOS)
Adam was set over the works of God’s hands, but for Jesus, God put everything under His feet not His hands. The way God subjects things under someone is to put them under His feet. The things are not beside Jesus, but under Him. It was not clearly seen that all things were under Adam’s feet but we see now that God has raised Jesus, the Lord of glory, overseer of all things and upholding all things by the word of His power.
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