The Secret of Eternal Body (APM)
The word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ are not the rewards themselves; the rewards are loaded around both of them. They are the things that will take us into the reward. When one is being rewarded, they switch into their full operations. Both the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ are constants; they are given to take us to the reward of Eternal Life.
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Understanding the Essence of the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus (APM)
The apostolic and prophetic ministry under Jesus is designed to be a medium for saying things that pertain to God or things that have to do with the covenant. This has to do with things concerning the works of God. John’s encounter was one with the word of God. The apostolic and prophetic ministry under Jesus is designed to be a medium for saying things that pertain to God or things that have to do with the covenant. This has to do with things concerning the works of God. John’s encounter was one with the word of God, and then the testimony.
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Overcoming Sin by the Blood of Sprinkling (APM)
In fellowship, we have the Father and the Son (1 John 1:5-6). What God illuminates is the Son. The Son is His work – the work He has done. Work means image; what God did was to make One who is like Him. To fellowship with both of Them means we should gain light. God is light and as we walk in the light, we are fellowshipping with Him and His Son.
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Overcoming Darkness with the Light of Fellowship with God (APM)
Many have driven the work at new birth to mean that once saved is forever saved; this is why they do not see any more work to be done after you become born again. But this is a lie that breeds error. Sin has levels. Sin has its ascension. As we go up to God, we are removing sins; but when one gets to heaven, there is a heavenly remnant that should be removed.
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Understanding How to Find the Grace of Salvation (APM)
Eternal Life is a high level capacity of grace. It is another skill entirely. Eternal Life is God's raw mercy and if one is not completely a spirit, such would not see anything in Eternal Life when it comes. If the grace of salvation, which is everlasting life, is foolishness to a natural man, how much more the mercy unto Eternal Life.
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The Essence of Upgrading the Soul for God’s Breath (APM)
God is a Spirit like no other spirit. When you worship Him, it is so that you can give Him pleasure. The part of Him that can take pleasure is His soul. This is why the Father is looking for a kind of pleasure (John 4:23). The angels give God very high pleasure and yet, God is seeking worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). This shows that His kind of soul demands a kind of worship. God's kind of soul can take all honour, glory, adoration and worship from angels and yet, He is still looking for a soul that is His own kind of soul.
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The Transition of the Soul into the Heavens of God (APM)
There is a spirit in Adam that made him a living soul. That spirit was the gift God gave to Adam. This spirit was not given to Adam’s children when they were born; they had to be men before it could be given to them. God does not breathe into babies but into men.
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Yielding to the Revelation of Righteousness in Christ (APM)
The righteousness that is in Christ is the truth that is in Christ. This is also the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Knowing Christ is knowing the truth that is in Him. We access the truth that is in Jesus by learning it. The Spirit comes to teach and guide us into the truth that is in Jesus. These truths are laws that we must encounter and interact with.
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Heart Disposition for the Appearance of the Lord (APM)
God is after us interfacing with Him unto salvation – unto glory. There are things that would not happen to us as a Church until God makes certain appearances. We cannot come into glory and salvation until God appears to us. And this does not mean a vision or physical appearance.
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